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Research paper  -  Published

...Even where the presumptive efficacy of anonymization and/or de-identification has not impacted the scope of privacy law..., such as a mark or a seal? With what resources and how will compliance be policed? Setting framework policy... those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Background A Payments System generally...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2012-001  -  Published

...Social networking site for youth, Nexopia, breached Canadian privacy law Commissioner’s Findings... privacy law Social networking site for youth, Nexopia, breached Canadian privacy law PIPEDA Report... Section 1: Disclosure of user profiles to the public and default privacy settings Section 2: Purposes...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...As the law stands today, specific salaries are considered personal information within the meaning... salaries for the purposes set out in C-27. The privacy issue before you is therefore not one of lawfulness, but one of principle: C-27 invokes two equally important democratic principles...

Publication  -  Published

...Publication Introduction Canada’s privacy laws require all businesses to balance innovation... even in a desktop environment, and the challenge for app developers is compounded in the mobile space... believe that it is important to proactively set out how those organizations that develop and launch...

Research paper  -  Published a misinterpretation of a “secret law” passed by the province — which gave police excessive powers...; however, it is unlikely that heightened social media privacy settings or claims of privacy will trump the Courts’, and likely law... of police or protestors, miniaturization, mobile devices and new media...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published assess their compliance with the requirements set out in the two federal privacy laws. The Branch... exemptions related to law enforcement and investigations; security; and policing services... to assess their compliance with the requirements set out in the two federal privacy laws. The Branch...

Submission  -  Published

...and private data services to augment their background checks on individuals seeking entry.Footnote 7..., will be critical in the sphere of cross-border law enforcement. Where surveillance... law enforcement and national security powers. Any security measures predicated on joint collection (absent...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...of Canada The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, or PIPEDA, sets... that have substantially similar private sector privacy laws. Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia each have their own law covering the private sector. Even in these provinces, PIPEDA continues to apply to the federally...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-009  -  Published

...outside of the Act’s scope, being regulated instead by provincial credit reporting acts. 21. In May 2010... engaged in trans-border activity are generally subject to federal law. Indeed, our Office.... Just because an organization has ceased to collect, use or disclose a particular type or set of personal data...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published national security; and 4.7 would allow FINTRAC to disclose information to a police force... of Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) that did not meet the threshold of “reasonable grounds to suspect” that the transaction was related to money laundering or terrorist financing; The scope...

Showing items 321 through 330 of 410.

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