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...: Roll-out an awareness campaign about the Canadian privacy protection framework aimed at Francophone minorities in Ontario, as well as Francophone minority groups elsewhere outside Quebec Comments:...

Blog Post  -  Published

...2011-2012 Youth Video Contest: The Results Are In! 2011-2012 Youth Video Contest: The Results Are In! Blog Post The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada would like to extend tremendous thanks to all of the students, teachers and schools who participated in our myprivacy & me national video...

Departmental performance report  -  Published reform our out-of-date federal private sector privacy law. Bill C-27, the Digital Charter... of Canadians; enforce privacy obligations by federal government institutions and private-sector... parents can share with their children to help them protect their privacy online. The OPC website...

News Release  -  Published

...News Release News Release: Privacy Commissioner launches ‘House Rules,’ an online privacy tool for families - January 27, 2016 Privacy Commissioner launches ‘House Rules,’ an online privacy tool for families News Release Privacy Commissioner launches ‘House Rules,’ an online privacy tool...


...their information, and that parents should encourage their children to use online privacy tools. We heard.... The submissions presented a broad range of proposals for protecting reputational privacy from standardized... their personal information, implementing standardized privacy settings that limit sharing of personal...

Research project  -  Published

...of privacy in the private sector involving new digital technology, new information technology.... The second chapter reports research results pertaining to Canadian youth and privacy issues that arise...Privacy Rights Mobilization Among Marginal Groups in Canada: Fulfilling the Mandate of PIPEDA...

Announcement  -  Published

...for everyone, but there will be a particular focus on providing information to help parents speak with their children about protecting privacy...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page Announcement March 20, 2017 Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page...

Research project  -  Published

..., boys, private business, media and policymakers play in promoting or constraining equality and privacy...Doing Girl Online: How Social Networking is Transforming Gender, Equality and Privacy Doing Girl Online: How Social Networking is Transforming Gender, Equality and Privacy - Research Projects...

Blog Post  -  Published

...that goes off each time you seem to compromise your privacy online, for example. All kidding aside, we figure... Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Blog Post A question that occupies a lot of our time in the office...

Showing items 311 through 320 of 515.

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