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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Criminal background check on tenant Criminal background check on tenant Criminal background check... in a building owned by two Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) employees. The landlords asked for personal... to our Office that the landlords had performed a background check for criminal records...

Date of findings:
Audit  -  Published the appropriate police force. Under section 55.1, if FINTRAC has reasonable grounds to suspect that designated... receives, as well as information it discloses to law enforcement agencies, federal departments... throughout the report. Introduction Background 1. Money laundering is the process used to disguise...

Resolution  -  Published

...Modernizing Access and Privacy Laws for the 21st Century Modernizing Access and Privacy Laws... and privacy laws have not been fundamentally changed to keep up with these changes and to improve protections and rights since their passage, some more than 20 years ago.  Only a few Canadian laws...


...of the private sector in police background checks. The project aims to generate a better understanding of the background check process and privacy considerations that should be taken into account...

Research project  -  Published

...Enterprises in Law Enforcement Investigations into Cybercrime Privacy and Civic Duty: The Legitimate Scope... Scope of Voluntary Information Sharing by Private Enterprises in Law Enforcement Investigations... with Police Requests”, which has been submitted to, and is currently under review by, Queen’s Law...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published

...set out in the two federal privacy laws. The Branch also analyses and provides recommendations... exemptions related to law enforcement and investigations; security; and policing services... Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Protection and Electronic Documents Act, or PIPEDA, sets out ground rules for the management of personal... across the country, except in provinces that have substantially similar private-sector privacy laws. Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia each have their own law covering the private sector...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published on the number of disclosures they make to law enforcement under paragraph 7(3)(c.1... as these are strengths of the law. With the recommended changes, PIPEDA can evolve into a more modern personal information protection law that mirrors improvements and strengths of other data protection...

Research paper  -  Published

...of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada May 2013 Introduction – What we set out to explore and why Over the past decade, the Government of Canada has tabled various iterations of so called lawful... which would be made available to law enforcement and national security authorities without prior judicial...

Submission  -  Published

...not only respect for the business-consumer relationship, and compliance with data protection laws... Provincial Privacy Laws An essential part of transitioning to a digital economy is developing... in the payment system. The Task Force has outlined a set of 12 principles – including privacy...

Showing items 311 through 320 of 410.

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