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Submission  -  Published

...In its Public Notice of consultation and hearing, the CRTC invited parties to comment...  Therefore, we would like to note that other jurisdictions have found less intrusive methods... of the Internet traffic management practices of Internet service providers (Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-19...

Publication  -  Published

...My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Video: My Privacy, My Choice, My Life My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Publication March 2009 OPC video: Event to select and announce winners of My Privacy & Me national video competition My Privacy, My Choice, My Life -->   View...

Blog Post  -  Published

...We have our winners! We have our winners! Blog Post We have the winning videos from the 2008 My Privacy & Me National Video Competition for young people! Participants from Encounters with Canada... CVI in Guelph, with a video titled Your Life, Your Privacy. She wins a $150 gift card. Four secondary...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Check out the seven finalist videos from our youth video contest! Check out the seven finalist videos from our youth video contest! Blog Post The deadline has passed, the videos are in and we have seven finalist videos from our 2008 My Privacy & Me National Video Competition for young people...

Blog Post  -  Published

...or videos, post comments on message boards and in online forums, and engage in private messaging... Your information – what’s it worth? Your information – what’s it worth? Blog Post South... in another way. A recent study by IBM found that people – and especially younger people – were willing to trade...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Inmate report discovered in prison gym garbage can Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A report containing pictures, names, birthdates and cell locations of 96 inmates, as well as other personal information, was found in an offender’s cell at an Alberta prison. Fourteen affected inmates...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387  -  Published

...Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387: Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2008-392  -  Published

...Individual objects to being photographed by private investigation firm Commissioner's Findings.... The following is an overview of the investigation and the Assistant Commissioner’s findings. Summary... and movements.” The investigation firm noted that there was no documentation of the business arrangement...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...surveillance Blog Post Canadians often face the argument that increased public video surveillance... and reasonable response to a real threat to safety or security. After all, are you disturbed to see video... or technologies. This was the case in Athens, where an extensive network of closed circuit television...

Blog Post  -  Published

...of Homeland Security (07/18) “This allegation stemmed from a misleading video posted on the Lamberd... – that old zero-sum game Blog Post The rising cost of air travel might be the least of your worries when flying... corporate video, that air passengers would be fitted with a bracelet containing boarding pass...

Showing items 311 through 320 of 361.

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