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PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-273  -  Published

...becomes aware of information that it has reasonable grounds to believe could be useful in the investigation of a contravention of the laws of Canada, a province, or a foreign jurisdiction that has been... without the employees’ consent only in the circumstances set out in the subparagraphs 7(2)(a) and (b...

Date of findings:
Consultations  -  Published

...and age assurance. The exploratory consultation document sets out our current understanding... to Questions of particular interest to the OPC are set out at the end of the consultation.... Be sure to submit your feedback no later than 11:59 PST on September 10. Any comments that violate Canadian law...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...privacy laws are a necessary pre-condition to a concept like Open Banking. For the digital economy..., the OPC needs stronger enforcement powers under amended privacy law, including the power to make orders, impose fines for non-compliance with the law, as well as the right to independently verify...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published make orders, impose fines for non-compliance with the law, as well as the right to independently verify compliance, without grounds, to ensure organizations are truly accountable for protecting... the need for consent, strong privacy laws and standards to be developed. On the matter of enhanced regulation...

Consultations  -  Published

...that violate Canadian law or violate our comment policy will not be considered within scope of this call for... in legislative reform policy analysis of both federal privacy laws. We are examining...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...requirements set out in the IGA. FATCA is a U.S. law which requires financial institutions... and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. Overview of previous... to the U.S. This happens in two steps: The Income Tax Act sets out requirements for Canadian...


...that violate Canadian law or violate our comment policy will not be considered within scope of this call for...

Consultations  -  Published

...that violate Canadian law or violate our comment policy will not be considered within scope of this call for...

Joint resolution  -  Published

...set out in access and privacy laws directly or by way of contractual undertaking. Being proactive... to privacy and access to information laws and principles; and, Privacy and Information... sharing initiatives, as well as oversight for compliance with access to information and privacy laws...

Showing items 291 through 300 of 410.

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