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Special Report to Parliament  -  Published

...of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Freedom and security under the law: second report (Ottawa, 1981... of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Second Report: Freedom and Security under the Law (1981), pp... that provisions to safeguard information in these cases are already provided for in existing law...


...with a preliminary set of best practices for creating videos to supplement text-based privacy notices... of Extending Canadian Privacy Law to Extended RealityAmount awarded: $ 49,450Project leader: Vivek... for Canadian privacy laws to address challenges posed by XR technologies. Organization: University...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...of Nigeria, Nigeria Police Force CID Annex. On the basis that the complainant had obtained protected person... in Accra. A copy of a letter from the Nigeria Police Force dated December 2, 2010... of a letter from the Nigeria Police Force dated August 16, 2012, in which the complainant’s lawyer...

Date of findings:

...Police and public safety Police and public safety Police and public safety Video surveillance, mega events, body-worn cameras...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2007-365  -  Published Belgian law since 1973. It is owned and controlled by financial institutions that are its members... contract with SWIFT SCRL. 7. As a cooperative society under Belgian law, SWIFT’s shareholders... are (i) its community of financial institutions, (ii) its standard-setting capability and (iii) its secure...

Report  -  Published

...set out detailed criteria for cross-border transfers. Art. 46(2)(c) and (d) provide for Standard... Privacy Principle 8.2(a) – could be an enforceable privacy code or a set of binding corporate rules... a “reasonable belief” that the offshore entity is subject to a law or binding scheme that offers...

Submission  -  Published

...Our comments proceed in three sections. First, we examine the European context for the law and whether Canadian law at present affords an RTBF on similar grounds. Second, we look at why the RTBF... the European context for the law and whether Canadian law at present affords an RTBF on similar grounds...

International organization  -  Published

...of the Act or a failure to follow a recommendation set out in Schedule 1 of the law. A compliance... name: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jurisdiction: Canada Website address: Key law(s) enforced... if he is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds to investigate. The Commissioner is required to investigate...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-264  -  Published

..., 4.5; paragraph 7(2)(a)] Complaint An individual filed two sets of complaints over a three-month period... another set of complaints concerning the digital video cameras that are part of the security system... II of the Code sets out the obligations of employers and employees with respect to health and safety...

Date of findings:
Research paper  -  Published

...transactions and movement call for a modernization of private international law. The principles set out... infrastructure: Jurisdiction Creation of new data Security Data intrusions Lawful access Processing... flexibility and although the jurisprudence sets out a number of factors that may be considered...

Showing items 281 through 290 of 410.

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