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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...the need to protect children’s privacy and the best interest of the child, so that these important principles inform... Charter Implementation Act, which would enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA... of both PIPEDA and the Privacy Act because Canadians expect and deserve modern privacy laws...

PIPEDA Report of Findings # 2013-012  -  Published

...personal information to her father upon claiming benefits from his private health insurance plan... benefits from his private health insurance plan Adult daughter required to submit insurance claims... from his private health insurance plan PIPEDA Report of Findings # 2013-012 PIPEDA Report of Findings...

Date of findings:
Speech  -  Published

..., my focus remains firmly on the future. I think it is clear that private sector privacy reform.... We agree that the principal basis for a federal privacy law in the private sector is Parliament’s....” This would recognize the broad scope of the right to privacy as a human right. Public-private...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2021

...of children and youth on-line. Priority 4:  Genetic privacy & biobanking If ever there was a field...Contributions Program 2008-2009 Contributions Program 2008-2009 - Applicant's Guide - Privacy... Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 112 Kent Street, 3rd floor Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1H3...


...Original Contract Value: $16,950.00 Comments: Writing graphic novel to educate youth on privacy Economic Object (ECON OBJ) codes...


...professional services not elsewhere specified - National distribution of the OPC youth privacy material...


...- Communications professional services not elsewhere specified Production and distribution of Youth Privacy...

Speech  -  Published

...of children being redirected to other sites with varied privacy protection practices, often via an ad... – thus demonstrating that it can be done. Protecting the privacy of Canada’s children is a shared...Building trust through privacy protection Speech: Building trust through privacy protection...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
Canadian Marketing Association Breakfast Seminar

Showing items 271 through 280 of 515.

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