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...builds on research findings from a Canada wide, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funded investigation into city-wide video surveillance systems by public bodies. The University... re-deployable surveillance camera systems. Comments: The contribution consists of $24,450.15 in 2011-12...

Audit  -  Published

...We found that personal information is disclosed if a large sum of money is fortuitously discovered... of prohibited items is found in Appendix B). The screening process involves metal detection, X-ray.... We found that CATSA collects a passenger’s personal information when the following are discovered...

Report to Parliament  -  Published images generated by full-body scanners and found a closed-circuit television camera... medical information, had found its way into briefing notes prepared for the then-Minister of Veterans Affairs... because such devices often have video-recording capabilities. Further, we located...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2011-003  -  Published

...The notice should, moreover, be posted at the entrance, so that customers can exercise... information, including the store’s surveillance video recording of the incident. We investigated... shoppers that the premises were under video surveillance. However, the company noted...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published

...The most common example of a biometric is an ID photo used in a passport, driver’s licence or health card... against another picture or a live person. Biometric technology is typically used to identify individuals... to the secondary information that may be found in biometric characteristics that were initially collected...

Publication  -  Published

...over the Internet. Some of this sharing is done deliberately, by posting pictures and comments. But the mere fact... conducted by the Public Interest Advocacy Centre found that nearly three-quarters of respondents...


...have employed such security measures as closed-circuit television cameras, biometric identification cards... that privacy rights can be fragile. Our Privacy Act annual report for 2007-2008 noted... monitoring blimps, and traveller profiling. The researchers note that “the integration...


...If they are old enough, they pay bills, apply for credit, or run businesses. Music, videos, films, books, clothes... than she thought. Perhaps Louise senses that she is missing the bigger picture. But where can she go to find... likes to play has posted a notice that “non-personal” information would be collected at log-in...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Blog Post We’re launching our fourth annual My Privacy & Me Video Contest, where students aged 12 to 18 show us what they have to say about privacy. To participate, we’re asking them to create their own video public service...

Video  -  Published

...Insights on Privacy - Kate Raynes-Goldie and Matthew Johnson Video: Insights on Privacy - Kate Raynes-Goldie and Matthew Johnson Insights on Privacy - Kate Raynes-Goldie and Matthew Johnson Video... such as the effect of media violence on children, video game addiction, alcohol advertising...

Showing items 261 through 270 of 361.

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