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Research project  -  Published

...Privacy for Wellness Wearables: Emerging Trends and Power Dynamics in a Grey Area Privacy for Wellness Wearables: Emerging Trends and Power Dynamics in a Grey Area Privacy for Wellness Wearables... are playing a growing role in the lives of Canadians. Manufacturers of these devices...

Research project  -  Published

...Privacy Report Card for Online Solutions Targeting Seniors Privacy Report Card for Online Solutions Targeting Seniors Privacy Report Card for Online Solutions Targeting Seniors Research project... of sensitive and private data, such as healthcare reports, live location, and the personally identifiable...

Research project  -  Published

...Guide to digital identity security in a cloud-based organizational transformation context Guide to digital identity security in a cloud-based organizational transformation context Guide to digital... Université de Sherbrooke Published 2021 Project leader(s) Pierre-Martin Tardif Summary Digital...

Research project  -  Published

...Thinking about the right to privacy through the lens of individual and collective rights Thinking about the right to privacy through the lens of individual and collective rights Thinking about the right to privacy through the lens of individual and collective rights Research project Organization...

Speech  -  Published

...and private sector privacy laws will need to be modernized, both to respond and adapt to these societal... was taken by the government with the tabling of Bill C-27, the Digital Charter Implementation Act in June of this year...’ because of the fundamental role privacy plays in the preservation of a free and democratic society...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
<abbr title="Canada Bar Association">CBA</abbr> Privacy and Access Law Section Online Symposium
Briefing package  -  Published

...OPC Priorities OPC Strategic Privacy Priorities Law Reform Privacy Act Extension Order, No. 3...Incoming Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne, appointed on June 27, 2022 Incoming Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne, appointed on June 27, 2022 Incoming Privacy...


...Business Privacy Working Group Lead Sector: Policy and Promotion Sector Purpose The OPC meets with the Business Privacy Working Group (BPWG) periodically to discuss privacy issues and share views... of businesses on several privacy topics and to give them updates about the work...


...Key Issues Related to Privacy Key Issues Related to Privacy Key Issues Related to Privacy Digital... identity and to the harmonized use of private sector, provincial or territorial, and federal digital... initiatives involve public-private partnerships with concurrent public and private sector privacy...


...Privacy Act Extension Order, No. 3 Privacy Act Extension Order, No. 3 Privacy Act Extension Order, No. 3 Lead Directorates: Compliance, Intake and Resolution Directorate (CIRD) Privacy Act Compliance Directorate (PA Compliance) Background Privacy Act Extension Order No. 3: SOR/2021-174...


...was in 2015 when the Digital Privacy Act received Royal Assent, introducing new provisions related to breach reporting. See: The Digital Privacy Act and PIPEDA. In November 2020, the Government... Part 1 of PIPEDA and enacted the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and the Personal Information...

Showing items 251 through 260 of 1390.

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