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...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada's private sector privacy law. PIPEDA applies... General privacy-related issues “We are living our private lives online.” Jennifer Stoddart, Privacy... notions of public and private spaces are changing. Canadians continue to consider privacy...


...possible futures for large language models (LLMs) and privacy in the private sector in the age of immersive... from LLMs? 3. Are marginalized groups and minority language groups more susceptible to privacy leakage... is to help minimize the impact of privacy dark patterns on Canadian youth by informing the development...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Blog Post We’re launching our fourth annual My Privacy & Me Video Contest, where students aged 12 to 18 show... us what they have to say! We’re launching our fourth annual My Privacy & Me Video Contest, where students aged 12 to 18...


...and targeting. In terms of general privacy concerns, the blurring of the public/private divide... on the public/private divide, children online, meaningful consent, and other uses of tracking, profiling... private sector privacy law. PIPEDA applies to organizations that collect, use and disclose personal...

Submission  -  Published

...with privacy policies.“Footnote 1 For example, parents concerned about their children's privacy, do not have the time to read privacy policies and appropriately protect the autonomy of their children... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Consultation on Consent under PIPEDA. Disclaimer...

Blog Post  -  Published

...when the toys are not in use. Talk to your kids about privacy and the importance of not sharing too much... for talking with your child about online privacy. ... that hackers could collect sensitive information your child has shared with the toy...

Privacy impact assessment  -  Published

...of the OPC program of investigating privacy complaints against private sector organizations... Partners and Private Sector Involvement Level of risk to privacy Within the institution...Privacy Impact Assessment Summary on the Online Complaint Form Privacy Impact Assessment Summary...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...provides further details about each recommendation. Privacy as a fundamental right 1. Recognize privacy as a fundamental right. 2. Protect children’s privacy and the best interests of the child. 3. Limit organizations... of personal information even when a retention policy is in place. Privacy in support of the public interest...

Published it and students aiming to pursue a career in privacy. Comments: Belated reporting. ... mandates and industry practices marking the legitimate parameters within which private enterprises... to both enhance knowledge on this expanding and still developing area of privacy law, and to provide...

Showing items 241 through 250 of 515.

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