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Publication  -  Published

...The facts of life for teens: Privacy and sexting Sexting fact sheet for teens Publication Revised: July 4, 2023 When it comes to privacy, the best approach for sexting is likely not to do... to someone else by text or private message – for example, by emailing or using an app or a video chat platform...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published employee’s departure is not compliant with the Privacy Act ESDC’s usage of images obtained... is not compliant with the Privacy Act ESDC’s usage of images obtained through video surveillance for a fact finding exercise to monitor an employee’s departure is not compliant with the Privacy Act Commissioner's...

Date of findings:
Internal audit  -  Published private-sector privacy legislation, Bill C-11, the Consumer Privacy Protection Act...Evaluation of Work Under the Strategic Privacy Priorities: Consent Model & Youth Initiatives Evaluation of Work Under the Strategic Privacy Priorities: Consent Model & Youth Initiatives Evaluation...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

..., the Digital Privacy Act, will soon make reporting by private organizations a legal obligation... of new responsibilities. The technological evolution of the digital economy and its impact on privacy..., indeed revolutionary, impact on the field of privacy. When the Privacy Act came into force...

Tool  -  Published

...Build a privacy plan for your business Tool Use this tool to help ensure your business has proper privacy procedures and complies with privacy law....

Publication  -  Published

...Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Publication April...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published the retention provision under the Privacy Act. I would caution however against moving too quickly... Act. As you know, I previously appeared before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public... requirements under the Privacy Act on retention of personal information; and second, safeguards...

Research project  -  Published

...December 2021 Protecting Privacy Rightsthrough Innovative Research Parenting in the digital age... by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC): “Parenting in the digital age: Sharing personal information on social... changes to Quebec privacy law in both the private and public sectors. Option consommateurs was called...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Disclosure of Canadian Forces members’ medical records by DND authorized under Privacy Act... by DND authorized under Privacy Act although record retention practices were insufficient Disclosure of Canadian Forces members’ medical records by DND authorized under Privacy Act although record...

Date of findings:
Research project  -  Published

...hide Real Results — Vol. 3 - Digital Stalking on the Rise in Canada Research project Real Results Vol. 3 December 2021 Protecting Privacy Rightsthrough Innovative Research Digital Stalking... in addition to privacy, given the importance of online participation in both private and public life...

Showing items 241 through 250 of 1390.

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