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Speech  -  Published

...about them and just won’t go away. Privacy, once protected by the sheer practical difficulty of finding or remembering things... Privacy Bill of Rights for the Digital Age. Recently, the UN’s first Special Rapporteur on privacy... that was asked to comment on whether the time has come for a digital bill of rights, as proposed by Tim...

Date delivered:
Address by Patricia Kosseim
Yukon Bench and Bar Seminar
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-116  -  Published

...of the bank, received a notice from the bank that included instructions on how to opt-out of receiving.... The complainant refused to do so. Based on the wording in the notice he received and on the bank's opt-out... would be marked "do not solicit" and that the affiliate would also make such a notation on its file...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-163  -  Published

...4.6 and 4.6.3, Schedule 1] Complaint A credit card account holder complained that a bank.... She had received a notice from the collection agency advising her that her account was past due. She believed.... The couple subscribed to the services of a private agency that provides debt management services...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Bill C-19 Bill C-19 Bill C-19 Advice to Parliament Appearance of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada... with Disabilities Ottawa, Ontario March 25, 1998 Bruce Phillips Privacy Commissioner of Canada (Check Against Delivery) Honourable Members, I last appeared on this Bill to amend the Canada Labour Code...


...Submissions - 2010 Consumer Privacy Consultations - May 2010 Online Tracking, Profiling and Targeting Submissions We have received several requests for submissions. While we are not posting submissions on our web site, we are linking to submissions where they have been posted elsewhere. Interactive...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-162  -  Published

...until the cookie had been stored. The company acknowledged that this was caused by an "application glitch.... As for the second allegation, the company admitted that it did not include in its privacy policy... it in the near future. Commissioner's Findings Issued April 16, 2003 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001...

Date of findings:
Research project  -  Published

...that an anomalous interaction is detected, the platform sends a notification to the account owner...Detecting Account Compromise in Online Social Networks Detecting Account Compromise in Online Social Networks Detecting Account Compromise in Online Social Networks Research project Organization...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Lolcatz support net neutrality Lolcatz support net neutrality Blog Post Two pictures taken during a Net Neutrality rally on Parliament Hill last week. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner..., and this post is not meant to endorse one side or another. It’s simply funny. Photos courtesy Jason Walton...

Speech  -  Published

...for Canadians Speech Remarks at the IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2018 May 24, 2018Ottawa, Ontario Address... that must be emphasized in privacy notices and explained in a user friendly way: What personal information... of my mandate as Privacy Commissioner, it has become increasingly clear...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2018
Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects...Police Background Checks and the Private Sector Police Background Checks and the Private Sector - Research Projects - Contributions Program 2013-2014 Police Background Checks and the Private Sector...

Showing items 2481 through 2490 of 2500.

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