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PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-39  -  Published

...Privacy Commissioner releases finding on a bank's refusal to release credit score News Release: Privacy Commissioner releases finding on a bank's refusal to release credit score - PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-39 Privacy Commissioner releases finding on a bank's refusal to release credit score PIPEDA...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published ourselves and to information about ourselves. This bill would violate privacy in the most profound...Bill C-217 (Blood Samples Act) Speech: Opening Statement regarding Bill C-217 (Blood Samples Act) - February 21, 2002 Bill C-217 (Blood Samples Act) Advice to Parliament Appearance...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-36  -  Published

...after a month, he filed his complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. In the course of the investigation, the bank found a copy of the complainant's second request, but was unable to find... Findings Issued Issued January 11, 2002 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001, the Personal...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-35  -  Published

...Bank customer objects to being surveyed by private firm PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-35: Bank customer objects to being surveyed by private firm Bank customer objects to being surveyed by private firm.... The complainant subsequently contacted her bank's local branch manager, who acknowledged that the bank...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-33  -  Published

...Bank offers $20 gift certificate as compensation for privacy violation PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-33: Bank offers $20 gift certificate as compensation for privacy violation Bank offers $20 gift certificate as compensation for privacy violation PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-33 PIPEDA Case Summary...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-31  -  Published

...with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. On being informed of the complaint under the Act, the parent corporation's privacy officer immediately agreed to expedite the release of the complainant's..., and to bring the company's privacy policy into line with that of the parent corporation. This official...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-19  -  Published

...under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act by the Office of the Privacy... had not included incident reports. The investigator for the Privacy Commissioner examined the company's original files containing the complainants' personal information, but found no evidence of information...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...given by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, George Radwanski, concerning Bill C-36, the Anti-Terrorism Act... like national security under the Privacy Act, and in fact in the private sector legislation as well...Bill C-36, the Anti-Terrorism Act Speech: Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights on Bill...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-16  -  Published estate executor, the complainant asked the bank for access to the signature card... that it could locate neither the card nor any such correspondence. An exhaustive search of the bank... of the Privacy Commissioner, proved unsuccessful in locating any of the information sought by the complainant...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...of the Privacy Act. The complaint is well founded. I note in passing that in finding this sort of video...Privacy Commissioner's finding on video surveillance by RCMP in Kelowna Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act - October 4, 2001 Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act...

Date of findings:

Showing items 2471 through 2480 of 2500.

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