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Report to Parliament  -  Published

...that is the underpinning of any sound privacy legislation. On a positive note, the Bill... personal information. In this Report, I address the status of private sector privacy legislation... the status of private sector privacy legislation in the other provinces. Yours sincerely, George...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-172  -  Published otherwise "private" or "confidential" number will never be disclosed; since the privacy rights of callers... their own privacy concerns. The CRTC observed that providing call blocking to all non-published number... acknowledged that the company had taken steps to inform its customers of the privacy implications of its call...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-163  -  Published

...4.6 and 4.6.3, Schedule 1] Complaint A credit card account holder complained that a bank.... She had received a notice from the collection agency advising her that her account was past due. She believed.... The couple subscribed to the services of a private agency that provides debt management services...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-162  -  Published

...until the cookie had been stored. The company acknowledged that this was caused by an "application glitch.... As for the second allegation, the company admitted that it did not include in its privacy policy... it in the near future. Commissioner's Findings Issued April 16, 2003 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-167  -  Published

...nevertheless acknowledged that the Canadian Marketing Association privacy code lacked clarity... on the card? The Commissioner observed that, in posing this question, the complainant had in effect... had not thought it necessary to notify him of such practice on his subscription card. The magazine wrote back...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-131  -  Published

...psychological effects of privacy invasion could occur even though no actual observation is taking place... posted near the camera informing individuals that their activities are being broadcast on television... are even shown. The complainant noted that the RCMP likely had access to this channel...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-143  -  Published

...access and privacy laws cannot be invoked to prevent the introduction of evidence of a relevant fact in litigation. Commissioner's Findings Issued March 6, 2003 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001... in Quebec. He therefore found that the exception provided for in subsection 7(3)(c) applied in this...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-129  -  Published in the bank's privacy policies, she mistakenly released the personal information of other people to the complainant. The bank reviewed its privacy policies and procedures with the employee and was satisfied that this was an isolated incident. Commissioner's Findings Issued March 4, 2003...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-117  -  Published

..., and the Commissioner's earlier findings (see PIPEDA Case Summary #40), concerning another bank's practice of running..., which would incur huge costs to monitor accounts for such long periods. Commissioner's Findings Issued... account applicants who wish to have their personal and business affairs dealt with separately, he noted...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...coming out on the national identity card, is that going to be an invasion of privacy, recognizing...Privacy Commissioner of Canada's Appearance before the Subcommittee on National Security... of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights - February 10, 2003 Privacy Commissioner...

Showing items 2431 through 2440 of 2500.

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