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Settled case summary #8  -  Published

...During the investigation, however, we noted that the organization had not implemented any privacy policies or practices... a number of actions to ensure that the company was compliant. The company struck a privacy committee, instituted privacy training for employees, and reminded staff to limit the amount of information...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Commissioner's Findings: Privacy... (CRTC) supporting the licence application of a cultural broadcasting company. The CRTC posted...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Where were you born? Where were you born? - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Where were you born? Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview An individual complained that the practice... place of birth on the passport was discriminatory and violated individual privacy. Actions taken by the OPC...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Findings: Privacy Act A different kind of fishing expedition? Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview The Office received two complaints about the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Observer Program that requires fishers as a condition of their licence, to allow an observer to stay on board...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview A woman was denied...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published Nanaimo Harbour Front scaled back - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Video surveillance cameras at Nanaimo Harbour Front scaled back Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview A British Columbia... the cameras away from that area. It also agreed to post signs alerting the public of the presence...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Program - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Health Canada's Non-Insured Health Benefits Program Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview In the summer of 2003 the OPC received several hundred... providers. Actions taken by the OPC We accepted the complaints under the provisions of the Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...with Canada Revenue Agency demands for information - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Taxpayers must comply with Canada Revenue Agency demands for information Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act... (CRA's) authority to require taxpayers to provide very private information. In the first case...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-282  -  Published

...Excessive disclosures in the pursuit of a debt Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary... them that the complainant's account was severely delinquent, his credit card was suspended...) are running, but given the (complainant's) history of not paying his bills...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-281  -  Published

...Commissioner noted that the purpose of the Act is to balance the individual's right of privacy with respect...Organization uses biometrics for authentication purposes Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case... that providing this information is optional, this is not apparent to the users of the application. Findings...

Date of findings:

Showing items 2371 through 2380 of 2500.

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