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Publication  -  Published

...public trust in digital healthcare to learn more. Phasing out faxes can reduce the likelihood of privacy... digital advancements in health, finance and law, breaches of personal information continue to occur... fax machines. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) encourages organizations...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: OPC releases new Privacy Act Bulletin on virtual hiring OPC releases new Privacy Act Bulletin on virtual hiring Announcement February 28, 2023 OPC releases new Privacy Act... public sector institutions on their use of virtual staffing platforms. A new Privacy Act Bulletin...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...with paragraph 6(2) of the Privacy Act, as personal information within a recorded video... considerations for virtual hiring Privacy Act Bulletin February 28, 2023 Privacy Act Bulletins are intended... to those with a need to know. Ensure compliance with section 4 of the Privacy Act Institutions can prevent...


...Directive on Privacy Practices (Appendix B) From Treasury Board: roles and responsibilities, mandatory procedures for privacy breaches...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...the Access to Information and Privacy community Privacy Act Bulletin February 16, 2023 Privacy Act..., transparency, and the protection of privacy in the work that you do, which builds trust in our democratic... Privacy Act Bulletins by subscribing to our RSS feed....

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner Dufresne addresses Access to Information and Privacy community Commissioner Dufresne addresses Access to Information and Privacy community Announcement February 16, 2023 Commissioner Dufresne addresses Access to Information and Privacy community Privacy...

Speech  -  Published

..., as is your commitment to accountability, transparency, and the protection of privacy in the work... individuals’ privacy rights in the public and private sectors, and to ensure that organizations respect... departments and private sector organizations, reports publicly on compliance with privacy laws, promotes...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Access to Information and Privacy community meeting

...2022-2025 Accessibility plan for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Moving... for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Moving toward a more accessible OPC 2022-2025 Accessibility plan for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada: Moving toward a more accessible OPC December 2022 © His Majesty the King...

Submission  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. The OPC works.... The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) oversees compliance with the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling..., I may take the matter to Federal Court and seek a court order to rectify the situation. Both the Privacy Act...

Statement  -  Published

...My mandate is to protect and promote individuals’ privacy rights in the public and private sectors... privacy in our increasingly digital world is one of the key challenges of our time. As Privacy... have in the digital economy. Data Privacy Week is also an opportunity to encourage Canadians...

Showing items 221 through 230 of 1390.

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