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Publication  -  Published

...My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Video: My Privacy, My Choice, My Life My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Publication March 2009 OPC video: Event to select and announce winners of My Privacy & Me national video competition My Privacy, My Choice, My Life -->   View...

Publication  -  Published

...My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Video: My Privacy, My Choice, My Life My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Publication March 2009 OPC video: Event to select and announce winners of My Privacy & Me national video competition My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Click for Transcript...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published the private sector? We so take our privacy for granted in a democracy; it is so self-evident... found recently that more than 80 per cent would refuse to provide their credit card number... well and I think it will translate well in the private sector. I see our role in this bill as teaching...

Early resolved case summary #10  -  Published the private sector”. Complaint summary An individual claimed the bank that had issued her credit card... an individual’s credit card information. When we brought this finding to the attention of the bank...Bank improves its credit card account verification practices after challenge from customer Early...

Date of findings:
Announcement  -  Published certain Acts. In his remarks, posted today, the Commissioner...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner’s statement on Bill C-22, an Act to establish the National... to certain Acts Commissioner’s statement on Bill C-22, an Act to establish the National Security...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...notification requirement similar to those found in some American state laws.  We have included....  We have found this ability to share information with the privacy oversight offices...The Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Position at the Conclusion of the Hearings on the Statutory...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Post The Office of Communications in the U.K. has just released a research report on young peoples’ use of social networking sites. Among their findings: “Despite being one of the main reasons cited by some respondents for not using social networking sites, privacy and safety are not a top of mind...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Let me turn to the amendments to the Bill. Comments on Amendments I want to begin by acknowledging... for seeking our Office’s comments on Bill C-11. Today, I would like to describe our approach to Bill C-11... that Bill C-11 will cover laboratories in both the private and public sectors...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2017-005  -  Published

...and reasonable notice. An organization must inform the individual of the implications of such withdrawal.... Our Office found that, in the specific circumstances of this complaint, the company.... Therefore, our Office found that this portion of the complaint was well-founded and resolved...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Hat trick at IAPP Canada Hat trick at IAPP Canada Blog Post Who says hockey season is over in Canada? Check out these three stars from last week's IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium - from left to right, Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart; Elizabeth Denham, B.C.'s Information and Privacy...

Showing items 2281 through 2290 of 2500.

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