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Published Canada’s legislature, the federal institution with the power to make laws, to raise taxes... and programs. Committees are free to initiate any study related to their mandate. To become law, all legislation must be adopted by both Houses in identical form and receive Royal Assent. Background...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...requires notification to the Division of State Police in the Department of Law and Public Safety prior... needs of law enforcement?, or any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable... on the Statutory Review of PIPEDA - Appendix VI - Overview of American Data Breach Notification Laws...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner: Pandemic highlights need for strong privacy laws Commissioner: Pandemic highlights need for strong privacy laws Announcement Commissioner: Pandemic highlights need for strong privacy laws March 25, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating the importance...

Submission  -  Published

...and, if so, how?” The author is of the view that the right to be forgotten cannot be shoehorned into existing privacy law because search engines do not come within the scope of PIPEDA and the activity of indexing newsworthy... a search engine to not include particular results—particularly pointing to lawful content—fall afoul...

Backgrounder  -  Published

..., without grounds to believe a violation of law has occurred, as is common in other regulatory regimes...Backgrounder Backgrounder: Results of consent consultation highlighted in Commissioner’s 2016-17... Backgrounder Results of consent consultation highlighted in Commissioner’s 2016-17 Annual Report OTTAWA...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...under Privacy Laws Figure 15. Company’s Awareness of Responsibilities under Privacy Laws Figure 16... of PIPEDA Figure 19. Sources Used to Help Comply with Privacy Laws Figure 20. Awareness of OPC... storage method. Following this, similar proportions store customer information on desktop computers...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Backgrounder Backgrounder: Privacy and Canada’s national security framework Privacy and Canada’s national security framework Backgrounder Privacy and Canada’s national security framework OTTAWA... in the submission: Metadata in a criminal law context Metadata, generated constantly by digital devices...

Speech  -  Published

...Some argue “it is what it is.”  Google and Reuters did not set out to develop discriminatory... to crime prediction software that cash-strapped police departments are using across America to determine in which neighborhoods they should be sending their limited patrol cars to maximize efficiency...

Date delivered:
Address by Patricia Kosseim
Reboot 18<sup>th</sup> Annual Privacy and Security Conference
Audit  -  Published the appropriate police force. Under section 55.1, if FINTRAC has reasonable grounds to suspect that designated... receives, as well as information it discloses to law enforcement agencies, federal departments... throughout the report. Introduction Background 1. Money laundering is the process used to disguise...

Speech  -  Published

..., I have set my vision for privacy as one that reflects the reality that Canadians want to be active... where there are many jurisdictions with different laws and standards, making compliance..., guide and support organizations in complying with applicable privacy laws now and in the future...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Big Data & Analytics Montréal Summit 2023

Showing items 211 through 220 of 410.

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