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Resolution  -  Published

...commissioners, as part of their role to comment on programs that have an impact on individual privacy...Resolution Privacy Concerns About Enhanced Driver’s Licences - Resolution of Canada's Privacy Commissioners and Privacy Oversight Officials - February 5, 2008 Privacy Concerns About Enhanced Driver's...

Blog Post  -  Published

...A correction – but still a concern A correction – but still a concern Blog Post Today, we issued a news release celebrating Data Privacy Day, an initiative of the International Association of Privacy Professionals. In that release we made the assertion that “We have seen a proliferation...


...on the date they are post-marked; or delivered to a messenger or specialized courier agency... been particularly concerned with the gradual erosion of privacy rights in the post 9-11 national security... The recipient shall acknowledge the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's contribution to the project in all...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy and reform of Canada’s Copyright Act Privacy and reform of Canada’s Copyright Act Blog Post The reform of Canada’s Copyright Act has been a long and contentious process. We have long held...) in particular – could have an impact on the privacy of Canadians. On Friday, the Commissioner...

Research paper  -  Published rely on the passport instead of the membership card. However, customers would likely rebel at the privacy...Identity, Privacy and the Need of Others to Know Who You Are: A Discussion Paper on Identity Issues Identity, Privacy and the Need of Others to Know Who You Are: A Discussion Paper on Identity Issues...

Blog Post  -  Published

...In this zero-sum game, we’re all losers In this zero-sum game, we’re all losers Blog Post “We have a saying in this business: ‘Privacy and security are a zero-sum game.’” This quote is attributed... among security experts that privacy and security are at opposite ends of a spectrum – in order...

Blog Post  -  Published

...“There’s no such thing as privacy on the web, Darcy!” “There’s no such thing as privacy on the web, Darcy!” Blog Post The Pew Internet & American Life Project released its report on Teens and Social Media last month, which found that an overwhelming majority of American teens...


...Denham - Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Elizabeth Denham Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Travel Expenses - 2007 Date(s) Purpose Total Cost 11-01 to 11-02 Attended the Office of the Privacy Commissioner's planning session in Grenville-sur-la...


...D'Aoust - Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Raymond D'Aoust Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Travel Expenses - 2007 Date(s) Purpose Total Cost 02-01... to 05-04 Attended the 17th Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP) in Montreal, Quebec...

Blog Post  -  Published

...A new year’s errand list A new year’s errand list Blog Post As we close out 2007, we’d like to sound a note of caution for privacy rights in Canada. We are lucky to have a variety of protections...-marking powers, and ability to regulate trans-border data flows Variety of provincial privacy...

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