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PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-206  -  Published account, a mortgage-backed line of credit, and a credit card account with the bank... to process his application further without his consent. Although the complainant acknowledged... in the bank's privacy materials, which are typically given to prospective customers. While the complainant...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-62  -  Published

...The complainant had also filed a complaint against the department under the Privacy Act. In investigating that complaint, the Commissioner's Office discovered that the directive the department had initially cited... acknowledging this mistake, but demonstrating that it did nevertheless have lawful authority...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-1  -  Published

...and Privacy Commissioner of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut complained that a security company.... On several occasions, staff had noted incidents and contacted police. By the company's own admission... Findings Issued June 15, 2001 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001, the Personal Information...

Date of findings:
Op-ed  -  Published

...The following is an op-ed by Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien calling on the new parliament to adopt modern, rights-based privacy laws that reflect Canadian values and support responsible innovation... Regulation of Digital World Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner of Canada Canada has elected...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-5  -  Published

...the security concerns raised in the complaint. He also noted both he and the complainant found... Findings Issued July 23, 2001 Jurisdiction: As of January 1, 2001, the Personal Information.... He found that the bank in question was not in compliance with Principle 4.7...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Dear Mr. Rajotte: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC), pursuant to its legislative mandate to protect the privacy rights of individuals and promote the privacy protections available to Canadians,Footnote 1 is providing the following comments to The Standing Committee...

Announcement  -  Published

...about privacy risks and how to mitigate them in practice. The OPC’s Contributions Program finds... in the course of commercial activities. Accordingly, only proposals that address privacy issues in the private sector...Announcement Announcement: Call for Proposals: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...


...Cloud Computing Submissions Cloud Computing Submissions - 2010 Consumer Privacy Consultations.... While we are not posting submissions on our web site, we are linking to submissions where they have been posted elsewhere. Public Interest Advocacy Centre on cloud computing: (

Quarterly financial reports  -  Published

...Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law. Detailed information on the OPC’s authority, mandate and programs can be found in our Departmental Plan (DP...). The OPC’s mandate is overseeing compliance with both the Privacy Act (PA), which covers the personal...

Quarterly financial reports  -  Published

..., and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law. Detailed information on the OPC’s authority, mandate and programs can be found... (if applicable). The OPC’s mandate is overseeing compliance with both the Privacy Act (PA), which covers...

Showing items 2141 through 2150 of 2500.

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