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...the 2004-2005 Annual Report on the Privacy Act and the 2004 Annual Report on PIPEDA $58.09 09-26... before the House of Commons Information, Privacy and Ethics Committee $95.50 10-25 Working lunch... all applicable taxes Return to footnote * Please note that information...

Published prepare detailed written response to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics... * Please note that information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear on this web site....

Published footnote * Please note that information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act does not appear on this web site....


...all applicable taxes Return to footnote * Please note that information that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published very pleased that you are looking at the privacy implications of post-market surveillance... re-identifiability of data; 2) privacy implications of EHRs;; 3) data breach notification requirements and, 4... Protection and Electronic Documents Act – PIPEDA– is Canada’s private-sector privacy law. PIPEDA...

Blog Post  -  Published

...More questions for Facebook’s Chief Privacy Officer More questions for Facebook’s Chief Privacy Officer Blog Post We recently referenced this Q&A in the Times Online with Facebook’s chief privacy... blog post and comes up with what he calls “a real set of questions” for the chief privacy officer...

Publication  -  Published

...Learning from A Decade of Experience: Québec’s Private Sector Privacy Act LEARNING FROM A DECADE OF EXPERIENCE (August 16, 2005) Learning from A Decade of Experience: Québec’s Private Sector Privacy... in 2000 to extend privacy protection to private-sector activity within federal jurisdiction. PIPEDA...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-169 (update)  -  Published a previous finding he made under the Privacy Act, in which a federal agency was requiring sole...Individual objects to bank's requirement to provide Notice of Assessment for income verification purposes PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-169: Individual objects to bank's requirement to provide Notice...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Post The Office of Communications in the U.K. has just released a research report on young peoples’ use of social networking sites. Among their findings: “Despite being one of the main reasons cited by some respondents for not using social networking sites, privacy and safety are not a top of mind...

Blog Post  -  Published

...about privacy, set out to see how much he could find out about himself, using resources available to the public. He found so much information that his publisher became concerned about his privacy... Is it possible to hide in plain sight? Is it possible to hide in plain sight? Blog Post...

Showing items 2131 through 2140 of 2500.

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