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Research project  -  Published

...To Share or Not to Share: How Youth Make Choices About Reputational and Data Privacy Online To Share or Not to Share: How Youth Make Choices About Reputational and Data Privacy Online... framework (i.e. data privacy). As part of this project, 20 youth between the ages of 13-16...

Research project  -  Published

...of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC) Contributions Program. The students met with experts... in response to what they had learned. The students’ work then became the basis of a privacy guidebook... needs for privacy education generally, and obtained informed feedback on the project’s student-developed materials...

Research project  -  Published

..., and students) attended the full-day event, which centred on the topic of “Online Privacy... from online privacy education programs, privacy literacy and reputational risks for youth... Online Privacy: A Human-Centered Approach Online Privacy: A Human-Centered Approach...

Speech  -  Published what you have to say about privacy and youth. I want to know what you have to say about: How can we better prepare our kids... how we can help educate youth on privacy, and that includes what you, as teachers... youth privacy and some of the research on that. I’ll discuss our outreach strategy...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Cenaiko
Connect 2017
Announcement  -  Published

...issues related to educational applications targeted at children and youth from kindergarten to grade 12... Privacy Sweep Data protection authorities around the globe launch fifth Internet Privacy Sweep Announcement May 25, 2017 Data protection authorities around the globe launch fifth Internet Privacy Sweep...

Speech  -  Published

...Privacy Symposium 2017 May 17, 2017Toronto, Ontario Address by Daniel TherrienPrivacy Commissioner... this conference and told you that my goal as Privacy Commissioner was to increase the control Canadians.... While Canada’s largely reactive, complaint-based model for privacy protection has enjoyed...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2017
Announcement  -  Published

...Program will examine a variety of privacy issues, such as risks related to smart toys for children, as well as the development of privacy codes of practice to enhance accountability among private sector.... Examples of this year’s projects include: A Privacy Report Card for Children's Smart Toys...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

..., the Digital Privacy Act, which amended PIPEDA to mandate private sector organizations to report... privacy awareness, as well as vulnerable groups such as youth and seniors. We will also provide... development, Canada’s federal private sector privacy law is now more than 15 years old and technology...

Announcement  -  Published

...for everyone, but there will be a particular focus on providing information to help parents speak with their children about protecting privacy...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page Announcement March 20, 2017 Privacy Commissioner launches Facebook page...

Speech  -  Published

...How do we teach kids about privacy? Speech: How do we teach kids about privacy? - November 18, 2016 How do we teach kids about privacy? Speech Address given to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation... talking about current research and new developments in youth privacy. After that, I’m hoping...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Hayden
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Member Organizations’ Staff Meeting

Showing items 201 through 210 of 515.

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