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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Reporter identified in response to access request Reporter identified in response to access request Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A journalist complained that his name had been improperly... to an ATI request, the OPC concluded that his privacy rights had been violated. The complaint...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Canada Revenue Agency employee misuses information Canada Revenue Agency employee misuses information Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A woman complained that her former neighbour, who worked for the Canada Revenue Agency, improperly gained access to her tax files in order to identify...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Improper disclosure of information to prospective employer Improper disclosure of information to prospective employer Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act A man contended that Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC, now Service Canada) improperly provided his Social Insurance Number...

Date of findings:
Audit  -  Published an unprecedented influx of millions of new passport applications. 1.3 While observing good privacy features... We note that using private-sector couriers to transport surplus computer hardware containing sensitive... privacy protection. However, our audit found certain significant gaps in internal safeguards...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...The following are some of the comments we heard: “By posting my name, I feel violated in my privacy and this could adversely affect... report observed “it has become trite to say that personal privacy is threatened... sector privacy law. (Our work related to private sector organizations is described in our annual...

Blog Post  -  Published

...solely to social networks and privacy for employers and employees. They’ve also got a briefing note... Online social networking at work Online social networking at work Blog Post Increasingly... frequently and regularly, and the employers and managers for whom they work. Their study found...

Publication  -  Published

...Collection of Driver’s Licence Numbers Under Private Sector Privacy Legislation Collection of Driver’s Licence Numbers Under Private Sector Privacy Legislation Publication A Guide for Retailers... and provincial private sector privacy legislation. Generally speaking, these laws (the federal...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published information after 35(1)(b) notice 36(3) Receive Privacy Commissioner’s report of findings... Information Commissioner’s report of findings of the investigation and give notice of action taken 37... Documents Act (PIPEDA) which is Canada’s private sector privacy law. Our mission is to protect...

Published have been received by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on the date they are post-marked... erosion of privacy rights in the post 9-11 national security environment.  There are encouraging signs.... How the project will acknowledge the contribution of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2008-395  -  Published

...had not themselves raised any concerns about timeliness of notification or contamination of evidence. Findings Issued... a final report of findings in which she concluded that the complaint against CIBC by the Privacy... that information in the notification to clients. PIPEDA Report of Findings: Commissioner initiates...

Date of findings:

Showing items 2061 through 2070 of 2500.

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