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Blog Post  -  Published

...Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Blog Post A year ago..., and report on what implications this type of environment may have for personal privacy and the protection... and have posted it online in HTML. Enjoy, and we’d be interested to hear your reactions. A year ago, we asked...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Association expressed similar concerns in its comments in Committee around Bill 52 (status) in that... Trust me…it’s bleeding. Trust me…it’s bleeding. Blog Post So says a new report..., the researchers found a 1,718-page document from a medical testing laboratory containing patient...

Submission  -  Published

...In its Public Notice of consultation and hearing, the CRTC invited parties to comment... by internet service providers (ISPs). Specifically, the OPC’s comments address privacy concerns... of privacy rights and obligations through engagement with federal institutions and bodies,  the private...

Research paper  -  Published

...The Privacy Policy notes that anyone using the Linden Lab or Second Life websites... in the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for questions and comments surrounding privacy. As well... of that Resident’s privacy. Remotely monitoring conversations, posting conversation logs, or sharing...

Publication  -  Published

...My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Video: My Privacy, My Choice, My Life My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Publication March 2009 OPC video: Event to select and announce winners of My Privacy & Me national video competition My Privacy, My Choice, My Life -->   View...


...that would normally be withheld under the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. In April 2017, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada began posting disclosures of grant... and Contributions. Reports Find information on grants and contributions awarded by the OPC....

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...on Human Rights, namely the right to respect for private and family life. Thus, the Court found... (February 26, 2009) Privacy Commissioner of Canada Statutory review of the DNA Identification Act Advice..., for example, and DNA from the presumed assailant was found at the crime scene, the legislation provided...

Blog Post  -  Published the overall discussion of privacy, which can be found on the CRTC’s website. We hope... on Internet Traffic Management Practices Blog Post What would you think if you wrote a letter... on November 20, 2008. Though CAIP’s application was denied, the CRTC noted that a number of parties...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Blog Post A question that occupies a lot of our time in the office is why, despite growing research that clearly shows that privacy is important to Canadians, do many of us give out...

Showing items 2041 through 2050 of 2500.

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