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Announcement  -  Published

...Protection of Private Data: Presentation before the Senate Open Caucus Today, Privacy Commissioner... to be governed by privacy laws and why Bill C-76 is deficient in that regard. He also discussed what type...Announcement Announcement: Protection of Private Data: Presentation before the Senate Open Caucus...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...of his privacy. Furthermore, the Court noted that the power of the Federal Court to grant a remedy... would confirm that privacy rights in the public sector and the private sector are equally important... Modern privacy laws such as PIPEDA and provincial private sector privacy laws apply to both recorded...


...Completed consultations On this page, you will find links to information about completed consultation initiatives led by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC), as well as materials, such as reports and submissions, generated by these initiatives. Past consultations, outcomes...

Blog Post  -  Published

...did acknowledge a US law protecting the privacy of people’s video rental habits, the Video Privacy Protection... YouTube could reveal a lot about you YouTube could reveal a lot about you Blog Post Much to the annoyance of European privacy regulators, Google has long argued that IP addresses do not constitute...

Research project  -  Published

...Every Step You Fake: A Comparative Analysis of Fitness Tracker Privacy and Security Every Step You Fake: A Comparative Analysis of Fitness Tracker Privacy and Security Every Step You Fake: A Comparative Analysis of Fitness Tracker Privacy and Security Research project Organization Open Effect...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...landscape.  We have a website targeted at youth and a blog.  We “tweet” and we post videos about privacy...Appearance before the Senate Committee of the Whole on the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's Nomination for Reappointment Statement: Appearance before the Senate Committee of the Whole on the Privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...of privacy issues that flow from it. At the international level, we have started this work to find...Main Estimates 2008-2009 Main Estimates 2008-2009 (April 17, 2008) Privacy Commissioner of Canada... on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics April 17, 2008 Ottawa, Ontario Opening Statement...

Research project  -  Published

...What Do Canadians Know About Their Video/Visual Privacy? What Do Canadians Know About Their Video/Visual Privacy? - Research Projects - Contributions Program 2012-2013 What Do Canadians Know About Their Video/Visual Privacy? Research project Organization The Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: OPC posts new summaries of cases involving businesses OPC posts new summaries of cases involving businesses Announcement March 29, 2018 OPC posts new summaries of cases involving businesses The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC), today posted new summaries...


...Privacy Consultations - June 2010 Building a personalized scenario to make it real – Calgary Please note: Brand names of popular sites are used in these scenarios for simplicity's sake. There is no intent to comment on or make suggestions about the privacy practices of the named sites. Louise...

Showing items 2021 through 2030 of 2500.

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