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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

..., the device that turns a standard television into a “smart TV,” enabling users to access a wide range of video content found online.Footnote 2 The information from set-top boxes can contain very granular... to telecommunications service providers in order to gain access to mobile, internet, telephone and television...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-007  -  Published

...about the information on the site; it simply posts content provided by others. Our office’s findings... Federal Court PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-007: Operator of website that shamed debtors... of Findings #2017-007 PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-007 August 8, 2017 Lessons Learned...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...did acknowledge a US law protecting the privacy of people’s video rental habits, the Video Privacy Protection Act, but found it only referred to video tapes. What law can compel the production of this sort of... YouTube could reveal a lot about you YouTube could reveal a lot about you Blog Post...

Incident Summary #10  -  Published

...for a certain municipality on which a local cable television provider had posted a list of its customers...Cable provider removes personal information posted online of customers with overdue accounts Incident Summary #10: Cable provider removes personal information posted online of customers with overdue...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...– comments, photos and information you post – can potentially be seen by thousands of people... Post Data Privacy Week is as good a time as any to sit down and have “the talk” with your kids... idea to allow only your friends to see your page, your posts, your photos and your applications...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...The investigation found significant problems that allowed highly sensitive and intimate content to be posted... provided comments to the government’s Employment Equity Act Review Task Force, noting that privacy... on legislation and privacy issues that were being studied by Committees. As Bill C-27, the Digital...

News release  -  Published

..., Alberta and BC Privacy Commissioners has found. The goal, the company said, was to analyze the age... were briefly analyzed then deleted. However, the Commissioners found that Cadillac Fairview did collect... as they collected the 5 million images with small, inconspicuous cameras. Cadillac Fairview also used video...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-131  -  Published

...posted near the camera informing individuals that their activities are being broadcast on television..., by means of a video camera that it had installed outside of its office, and then broadcasting this information on its local television channel and Web site. Summary of Investigation The cable company...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published

...or comment on it. You can change this in the menu on your post. We also let people know key...Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC Discussion Paper Submission: Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC Discussion Paper Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC...

Research project  -  Published

...attitudes towards current video surveillance practices, to find out...What Do Canadians Know About Their Video/Visual Privacy? What Do Canadians Know About Their Video... Know About Their Video/Visual Privacy? Research project Organization The Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI...

Showing items 191 through 200 of 361.

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