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Interpretation bulletin  -  Published

...An organization collecting personal information via video surveillance must give clear and sufficient notice... against organizations. The Commissioner’s findings will depend on the facts of each case and will be informed by the evolving jurisprudence. Over time, findings on certain key issues crystallize...

Report to Parliament  -  Published Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act, which seeks to implement mandatory breach notification. By obliging.... Mandatory notification will also provide a clearer picture of the frequency and type of data breaches... Commissioner’s remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights, October 2, 2014 “Bill S-201...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...comments, etc. Our digital trails can also paint a picture of us-the sites we visit, where we shop... research conducted on behalf of the Office every two years with Canadians. The findings will be used to.... They will also be used to inform the Office's outreach and public education work. The findings in this report...

Video  -  Published

...If you encounter technical difficulties when viewing the video, please contact our webmaster. Risks of posting... Once you put your personal information out there, you can’t take it back [video] You can’t take it back [video] Video   Once you put your personal information out there, you can’t take it back...


..., Including Books, Newspapers, Pictures, Manuscripts and Forms Contract Period: 2015-04-01 to 2016-03-31 Contract Value: $69,352.92 Original Contract Value: $69,352.92 Comments...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2015-001  -  Published

..., internet, telephone and television communications in Canada. It is important to note... billing amount) - very low, low, average, high and/or very high; Plan Type - post-paid and/or pre-paid... network; TV viewing information - full details of all television programs viewed via Bell TV...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published

...My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Video: My Privacy, My Choice, My Life My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Publication March 2009 OPC video: Event to select and announce winners of My Privacy & Me national video competition My Privacy, My Choice, My Life Click for Transcript...

Publication  -  Published

...use-of-force, ”Police Foundation, March 2013. David A. Harris. “Picture this: body worn video devices... can record video images, sound and conversations with a high degree of clarity.... The high-resolution digital images allow for a clear view of individuals and are suited to running video...

Research paper  -  Published

...2014, and the data breach notification requirements contained in Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act... and data protection, considers how cyber security policy can affect privacy, and notes how cyberspace... for months.Footnote 9 In 2012, the Auditor General of Canada observed that the Government's response...

Internal audit  -  Published

...findings, the demand for the program, its unique niche in promoting privacy issues, and universal.... Acknowledgements The evaluator would like to thank François Cadieux, Contributions Program Manager... As the Contributions Program finds its authority under PIPEDA which governs the collection, use or disclosure...

Showing items 191 through 200 of 361.

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