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Publication  -  Published citizens, students, workers, heads of family, tax-payers and consumers are being monitored in some way... of accountability of government to Parliament and Canadians. The Privacy Commissioner, as well as the head... Act should be strengthened in the interests of transparency. This provision requires the head...

Research paper  -  Published private sector privacy laws. A word about kids Children and teens are particularly vulnerable... pressure on kids to conduct their social lives online. ResearchFootnote 19 has shown that children... to be seen whether youthful patterns of behaviour will be affected by the knowledge that what we do as children will follow...

Research project  -  Published

...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - Growing up with AI: What are the privacy risks for children... Growing up with AI: What are the privacy risks for children? AI is playing an increasing role in children's lives, fundamentally reshaping their everyday experiences and the places where they spend...

PIPEDA findings #2021-002  -  Published

...and its direct relationship with students and parents, including the complainant and his children... The respondent collects and retains significant personal information of children such as student names, dates... of student profile pictures of children other than his own, who were attending schools...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published under the heading "Representations". The text immediately above his signature merely says "Students [sic..., a PRB hearing is held in order to make a recommendation regarding whether a student... of a student's training program may also effectively result in the termination of the student's...

Date of findings:
Speech  -  Published

...about the most vulnerable in society to generate leads. It turns out the most vulnerable are also the most profitable. Would-be students desperate to improve their lives will go to great lengths to secure government... with Kids’;  ‘Recent Divorce, Death or Incarceration’;   ‘Low Self-Esteem’; ‘Drug Rehab’; ‘Dead-End...

Date delivered:
Address by Patricia Kosseim
Reboot 18<sup>th</sup> Annual Privacy and Security Conference
Blog Post  -  Published

...and valid consent from children and youth are among the main privacy issues with online games. Our office... with children between the ages of 6 and 17 play video games regularly with their children... upon us and gaming gear topping the wish lists of kids and adults alike, it is a good time...

Research project  -  Published

...rights and risks for youth, who are among the most frequent users of technology in Canada... a series of workshops led by privacy researchers currently or previously funded through the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC) Contributions Program. The students met with experts...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...platforms can capture sensitive information about students’ learning disabilities and other behavioural... potentially having access to information from medical visits. Similarly, many students have been required... data of students. In fact, during the pandemic, we have seen accelerated uses of videoconferencing...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2014-011  -  Published children between the ages of 6 and 13 years of ageFootnote 1. Children can open a free account... of children through its user registration process for the Website, without fully explaining... children using the Website for the purposes of serving targeted online behavioural advertising (“OBA...

Date of findings:

Showing items 11 through 20 of 72.

Date modified: