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Publication  -  Published

...or pictures being posted online by someone else in your child’s name. 7. Remind your kids... to snap a photo and post it to the Internet, or to post a comment. But it can be nearly impossible to permanently delete that comment or photo once it’s posted, as it can then be downloaded or archived...


...Head of privacy public policy for the Americas, about age assurance strategies. Lieber noted... obligations in that jurisdiction, but also found that current systems tend to be circumventable... on October 18, Steve de Eyre (Director, Public Policy and Government Affairs, Canada) noted that TikTok...

Publication  -  Published

..., but that does not mean that they are exempt from consent requirements. Photos or videos captured in public spaces, found... of Findings #2022-003 We noted in our Rogers’ VoiceID report of findings that voiceprints... biometric information. Note that while it addresses some of the main considerations, organizations remain...

News release  -  Published

...that it only posts intimate images and videos with the direct knowledge and consent of everyone appearing... from everyone appearing in images and videos that are posted on its websites. The investigation report... adult content to be posted on its websites Pornhub operator failed to obtain meaningful consent...

Statement  -  Published

...from everyone appearing in images and videos that are posted on its websites. When my report... against delivery) The distribution of intimate images and videos without consent is a growing societal... of such highly sensitive and intimate content, whether it be personal images or videos...

PIPEDA findings #2024-001  -  Published intimate content (i.e., videos and pictures) that it collected, used and disclosed. Its practice... “information about yourself and others, [and] upload[ed] content (e.g., pictures, video files... or videos, and associated personal information. For the reasons explained below, we find that by relying...


...with a preliminary set of best practices for creating videos to supplement text-based privacy notices. The videos created for this project will serve as prototypes to support future notice efforts by digital... under its Contributions Program. These projects will be completed by March 31, 2024. The OPC will post...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Protect your personal information Video: Protect your personal information Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video...

Showing items 11 through 20 of 361.

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