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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Investigation finds that RCMP handled polling appropriately Investigation finds that RCMP handled polling appropriately - December 16, 2009 Investigation finds that RCMP handled polling appropriately Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Report of FindingsComplaint under the Privacy Act...

Date of findings:

..., Profiling and Targeting Consultation notice: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC... more about such industry practices, explore their privacy implications, and find out what privacy... more about such industry practices, explore their privacy implications, and find out what privacy...

Published have been received by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on the date they are post... has for the past few years been particularly concerned with the gradual erosion of privacy rights in the post... privacy of Canadians; Private sector-to-government information exchanges generally, for national...

Blog Post  -  Published

...their privacy implications, and find out what privacy protections Canadians expect with respect... Post I know. It’s kind of boring when I only post excerpts from our more formal publications... to the privacy of consumers, now and in the near future. The topics to be explored include the online tracking...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-014  -  Published

...Fraud detection not an acceptable reason to collect driver’s licence numbers for store memberships Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-014: Fraud detection not an acceptable reason... were resolved. PIPEDA Report of Findings: Fraud detection not an acceptable reason to collect...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Extracts from “The Reality of Privacy and Security in the 21st Century” Extracts from “The Reality of Privacy and Security in the 21st Century” Blog Post Remarks delivered to the Annual Conference... Bernier, Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Blog Post  -  Published

...and comments you post are permanent. Even if you delete them from a web page, they could continue... problem and the Internet is the least private of spaces. Don’t post or e-mail personal details... Give your loved ones a little Privacy this holiday Give your loved ones a little Privacy...


...Bernier - Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Employees Chantal Bernier Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada Travel Expenses - 2009 Date(s) Purpose Total Cost 01-23 Attended a meeting with the Privacy Commissioner of Ontario in Toronto, Ontario $450.20 01-27...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...on the privacy implications of Bill C-6 in my October 26th letter to the Committee.  We understand... to be further explained through the Privacy Impact Assessment process following the adoption of Bill... programs , as Bill C-6 would entail, under the privacy microscope. We review PIAs and may provide...

Showing items 1931 through 1940 of 2500.

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