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Publication  -  Published

...the federal private sector privacy law The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and is intended to outline the privacy obligations and responsibilities of private sector... of the Privacy Commissioner considers covert video surveillance to be an extremely privacy-invasive...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...CBSA’s use of commercial genetic genealogy in a deportation case contravenes the Privacy Act CBSA’s use of commercial genetic genealogy in a deportation case contravenes the Privacy Act CBSA’s use of commercial genetic genealogy in a deportation case contravenes the Privacy Act Commissioner's...

Date of findings:
Research project  -  Published

...Between remembered and forgotten: Consumers faced with digital death Between remembered and forgotten: Consumers faced with digital death Research project Organization Option consommateurs Published... have over their digital identity after their death? How can the living carry out the deceased’s...


...Respond to a privacy breach at your business Respond to a privacy breach at your business Tips for containing and reducing risks, reporting requirements and forms...


...Raising your privacy concern with an organization Raising your privacy concern with an organization How to challenge...

Video  -  Published

...Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video: Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video...


...Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) Process, expectations, tips, submit online...

Announcement  -  Published the digital era Canadian regulators create new forum to better serve Canadians in the digital era Announcement June 9, 2023 Canadian regulators create new forum to better serve Canadians in the digital era The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has joined with the Competition Bureau...

Showing items 181 through 190 of 1390.

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