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Advice to Parliament  -  Published environment, in no small part because Canada’s privacy laws are not adapted to the realities..., such as competition law. We have begun to forge these links, but we are constrained by the parameters of the law. The Act only permits me to cooperate with other privacy enforcement authorities...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...As you know, no federal privacy law applies to political parties; British Columbia is the only province to cover them. This is not the case in many other jurisdictions. In most regions of the world, laws provide that political parties are governed by privacy laws. This includes jurisdictions such as EU, UK...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...' Awareness of Responsibilities under Privacy Laws Figure 13: Companies' Awareness of Responsibilities under Privacy Laws Over Time Figure 14: Compliance with Canada's Privacy Laws Figure 15: Challenges Encountered when Complying with Canada's Privacy Laws Figure 16: Challenges Anticipated when Complying...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

..., and may have little awareness about how the data captured by a connected car may be used in the background... and Demonstrable Accountability  Over the past several years, my Office has set out to identify improvements to the current consent model under federal private-sector privacy law.  What became clear...

Publication  -  Published

...Are there any privacy laws that set out the rules for how landlords handle tenants’ personal... set out in the law.) They must identify the reasons for collecting personal information... Corporation’s Renting in Canada information. Relevant laws, consent, SINs, background checks...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...other important conditions under PIPEDA. The provisions of that law – which govern federally regulated organizations, including much of the transportation sector – set out the basic framework of data... prohibiting use and disclosure of such recordings, as set out in section 28 of the Canadian...

Publication  -  Published

...—from collection through to disposal. Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), sets the ground rules for how businesses handle... law The following guidelines provide customers and organizations with more detailed information...

Quarterly financial reports  -  Published well organizations are complying with requirements set out in the two federal privacy laws...), Canada’s private sector privacy law. Its mission is to protect and promote the privacy rights...

Research paper  -  Published

...for 2015-2020, we set as our goal that: [We] will have helped to create an environment where individuals... draft position highlights existing protections in Canada’s federal private sector privacy law... does not import a European framework into Canada. Rather, it is an interpretation of current Canadian law...

Showing items 181 through 190 of 410.

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