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Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note...Privacy Educational Kit for Teachers and Students Privacy Educational Kit for Teachers and Students - Research Projects - Contributions Program 2013-2014 Privacy Educational Kit for Teachers...


...Executive Director, Compliance, Intake and Early Resolution [EX-02], Sue Lajoie Director, Privacy Act Compliance... Intelligence Officer and Strategic Advisor [EC-05], Tess Kim (note 1: on leave) (note 2: replaced by Mely Jean-Claude acting) Role The Compliance Sector focuses on addressing existing privacy compliance issues...

Blog Post  -  Published

...A clarification on court decisions A clarification on court decisions Blog Post Speaking at the Canadian Bar Association Conference earlier this week, the Privacy Commissioner talked about the privacy implications of courts and administrative tribunals posting to the web decisions...

Announcement  -  Published

...Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Canada Privacy Symposium 2017. In his remarks, he outlined...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner delivers annual address at Canada Privacy Symposium 2017 Privacy Commissioner delivers annual address at Canada Privacy Symposium 2017 Announcement...

Settled case summary #27  -  Published

...that her bill was overdue, the amount owing, and that it would be sent to collections unless paid.  The clinic acknowledged that the disclosures went against its privacy policy... about her overdue account to the person who had referred her to the clinic. Outcome The complainant noted...

Date of findings:

..., used and shared with ease, Canadians are becoming increasingly concerned about their privacy. And more and more.... The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) oversees compliance with PIPEDA, which includes investigating privacy complaints, and helping businesses improve their personal information...


...Detailed Report Recipient Name: Canadian Association of Professional Access and Privacy Administrators (CAPAPA); and the Canadian Access and Privacy Association (CAPA) Location: Halifax...: Contribution Purpose: Research and establish standards for certification of privacy and access...


...Detailed Report Recipient Name: International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP Canada...: Contribution Purpose: Bring free privacy education workshops to Canadian cities to serve local privacy and information security professionals Comments:...


...educational materials teaching children about mobile privacy risks and encouraging them to assume proactive, privacy-conscious behaviours when online. Comments:...


...Contract Value: $73,899.00 Comments: Resource for Privacy Impact Assessment Jurisprudence...

Showing items 1871 through 1880 of 2500.

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