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Blog Post  -  Published

...with the applicable private-sector privacy law. Developed jointly by the federal, Alberta and British Columbia privacy commissioners’ offices, the tool can be used by any private-sector organization... New privacy self-assessment tool for organizations New privacy self-assessment tool...


...Original Contract Value: $56,500.00 Comments: Public Opinion Research on privacy...


...Value: $24,860.00 Comments: Review and assess the Privacy Impact Assessment report...


...Comments: Create report and commentary on privacy Economic Object (ECON OBJ) codes...

Video  -  Published

...about what motivates us to reveal or conceal details of our personal lives, and how we protect the private... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Questions? Comments? Contact our Office at 1 (800) 282-1376...Insights on Privacy - Adam Greenfield and Aza Raskin Video: Insights on Privacy - Adam Greenfield...


...have been difficult to reconcile with mainstream privacy laws.  The objectives of this research are to explain the concept of communal privacy; assess existing efforts to reconcile communal privacy and existing privacy laws; and suggest methods and tools to help this reconciliation. Comments:...


...The research will review state-of-the-art video analytics technologies, and assess a privacy protection scheme developed by the university in laboratory. Comments:...

Showing items 1791 through 1800 of 2500.

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