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Announcement  -  Published

...Working Group, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has led the work in this area, specifically... on the work of the Emerging Technologies Working Group, and participated in a panel discussion on privacy... digital environment. Communiqué: G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Statement on Generative AI G7...

Communiqué  -  Published

...and Standards Working Group of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) on the comparison of model contractual clauses and by the Working Party on Data Governance and Privacy in the Digital Economy... Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Working toward operationalizing Data Free Flow with Trust...

News release  -  Published

...who said that they are extremely concerned about the protection of their privacy increased by 6 percentage...News release News release: Canadians less confident that their privacy rights are being respected: poll Canadians less confident that their privacy rights are being respected: poll News release...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...and Objectives Mandated by Parliament to act as an ombudsman and guardian of privacy in Canada, the OPC... and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. The OPC’s mandate... in the public and private sectors; and conduct research into privacy issues. Phoenix Strategic...

Announcement  -  Published the digital era Canadian regulators create new forum to better serve Canadians in the digital era Announcement June 9, 2023 Canadian regulators create new forum to better serve Canadians in the digital era The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has joined with the Competition Bureau...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Blog Post Fostering a workplace culture of respect for employees’ privacy is good for business, because it contributes to morale...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: New blog: Privacy in the workplace: Practical tips for employers New blog: Privacy in the workplace: Practical tips for employers Announcement June 8, 2023 New blog: Privacy in the workplace: Practical tips for employers Showing respect for your employees’ privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...updates on the various international privacy working groups that it chairs or co-chairs, including the Global Privacy Assembly’s Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group, its Data Protection and Other Rights and Freedoms Working Group, as well as the Global Privacy Enforcement Network. Twice each year...

Speech  -  Published a world leader bringing together the people who work in and regulate the sectors where privacy issues... and implications of their participation in the digital world. That is why all of you play a crucial... that we are seeing and are working hard to operate and innovate in a manner that protects the privacy...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
International Institute of Communications (IIC) Canada’s 19th Annual Communications Law & Policy Conference
Special Report to Parliament  -  Published

...- and private-sector privacy laws. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the OPC has played an important role... that the CBSA and PHAC complied with the Privacy Act, as the collection of personal information... with the Privacy Act as it related directly to institutions’ health and safety responsibilities as employers...

Showing items 171 through 180 of 1390.

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