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...of residents of Newfoundland and Labrador with respect to the importance they place on the privacy of their personal health information Comments:...

Published the Surveillance Camera Awareness Network, organize a workshop, and commission papers on privacy and camera surveillance Comments:...

Announcement  -  Published

...The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) will now be accepting comments related to...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published

...private sector privacy law. The OPC’s mission is to protect and promote the fundamental privacy... and private sectors). Privacy Act Compliance Directorate The PA Compliance Directorate investigates... and guidance, reviewing and commenting on Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs), and offering industry...

Research project  -  Published

...Privacy Compliance – Research Findings (23 pages) is based on an online survey completed by 157... those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects...Privacy Models that Work: A Guide for Canadian Organizations and Best Practices in Data Management...

Community news article  -  Published

...with substantially similar private sector privacy laws. Strong privacy practices are good... Commissioner of Canada Daniel Therrien warns as countries around the world mark Data Privacy Day, January... privacy practices.” About a third of all private sector privacy complaints under Canada’s federal...

Showing items 1781 through 1790 of 2500.

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