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Blog Post  -  Published

...Building a Privacy Policy Building a Privacy Policy Blog Post Private sector privacy legislation.... Review other privacy policies. Online you can find policies of organizations similar to yours. Although our office does not endorse specific privacy policies, we have found that the financial services...


...that privacy rights can be fragile. Our Privacy Act annual report for 2007-2008 noted... of various surveillance technologies is perhaps one of the most remarkable and, from a privacy perspective, disconcerting...Privacy and Security at the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games Privacy and Security at the Vancouver 2010...

Publication  -  Published a tribunal proceeding could violate their privacy when the decision is ultimately posted online... for individuals who may be personally identified in decisions posted on the Internet.   Find guidelines.... These bodies, which are governed by the Privacy Act, commonly publish their decisions on the Internet...

Published on the consultations, seeking further comments on a range of issues, from the public/private... to privacy issues related to cloud computing. The comments related to PIPEDA compliance..., she noticed a link to a privacy policy on a website. She clicked on it, tried to read it, but became bored...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Blog Post We’re launching our fourth annual My Privacy & Me Video Contest, where students aged 12 to 18 show us what they have to say about privacy. To participate, we’re asking them to create their own video public service...

Blog Post  -  Published

...PIPEDA and Your Practice — A Privacy Handbook for Lawyers PIPEDA and Your Practice — A Privacy Handbook for Lawyers Blog Post PIPEDA and Your Practice — A Privacy Handbook for Lawyers was launched by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at the Canadian Bar Association Canadian Legal...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...of departments/agencies by size and number of privacy-related complaints received. The findings... in both the public and private sector. The Office’s mandate is to protect and promote privacy... their privacy work. The findings will be used by the OPC to help refine and improve communications...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-002  -  Published

...Airline must ensure policies comply with Canadian privacy law Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-002: Airline must ensure policies comply with Canadian privacy law Airline must ensure policies comply with Canadian privacy law PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-002 PIPEDA Report...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy needs respect and protection within any perimeter Privacy needs respect and protection within any perimeter Blog Post The tragedy of September 11th shook our sense of collective security... to be seen how any plan to achieve these goals will incorporate respect for privacy. Given nearly two-thirds of Canadians...

Blog Post  -  Published

...OPC Unveils New Youth Privacy Tool OPC Unveils New Youth Privacy Tool Blog Post The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is launching a new youth privacy tool that will help teachers and community leaders talk with younger Canadians about their privacy online. The tool launched today...

Showing items 1761 through 1770 of 2500.

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