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Announcement  -  Published

...has published a new Tech-Know blog post which continues our series on privacy-enhancing technologies. In a previous post, we discussed differential privacy and federated learning...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded — Lifting the veil...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Post Privacy and technology have a complex relationship. Often, the two are pitted...Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded – Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded – Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption...

Research project  -  Published

...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - “Recommended for you”: Data privacy and the algorithms used by popular streaming platforms Research project Real Results Vol. 4 October 2023 Protecting privacy rightsthrough innovative research “Recommended for you”: Data privacy and the algorithms...

Research project  -  Published

..., and only minimal discussion about children was found. Even in Canada’s own private sector privacy act... One key finding was that the mechanism of consent does not provide a solution to AI-related privacy... have privacy rights separate from their parents,” comments Zon. For now, the report recommends...

Research project  -  Published projects aimed at generating new ideas, approaches and knowledge about privacy. Find out in this...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - Protecting Privacy Rights through Innovative Research Real Results — Vol. 4 Research project Real Results Vol.4  October 2023 Protecting privacy rightsthrough...


...the topics on this page to learn about privacy issues and find a wide variety of useful information...Privacy topics Privacy topics In today’s society, personal information is collected and used extensively, by individuals and organizations, for a variety of reasons. Advances in technology...


...activities. Terms and conditions of use Find information about the privacy practices for the OPC's website. Social Media Policies and Notices Find information about the privacy practices... are better able to hold our Office to account. OPC Privacy Policy Find information about how the OPC manages...


...from the OPC. Privacy events Find details on privacy-related events and conferences. Many of these events feature speeches or presentations by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada or his staff. Speeches Read speeches delivered by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada or his staff....

Published if you can’t find the information you’re looking for. Please note that we may take longer than usual to answer...Contact the Information Centre Contact the Information Centre Ask the OPC about a privacy concern.... --> Our Information Centre responds to requests from Canadians for information about privacy. Check...


...; or report a concern. Find the right organization to contact about your privacy issue... that may help you resolve the problem quickly. Share a privacy comment or concern with the OPC Use this online form to share a privacy comment or concern without filing a formal complaint. File...

Showing items 161 through 170 of 2500.

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