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PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-008  -  Published

...Daycare Centre Modified Webcam Monitoring to Increase Privacy Protection Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-008: Daycare Centre Modified Webcam Monitoring to Increase Privacy... that the organization’s own privacy policies will acknowledge and “… safeguard the privacy issues of concern...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published

...Panel 2 Amy notices a poster hanging on the hallway wall. AMY: What's this? Panel 3 A close-up...SocialSmarts: Privacy, the Internet and You Social Smarts graphic novel (text only version... you update your status, check in to a location, post a photo or use any other social networking site...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Evolving technologies creating new privacy risks for youth Evolving technologies creating new privacy risks for youth Blog Post Young people are embracing new digital communication technologies at earlier and earlier ages.  While they recognize the importance of protecting their privacy...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2012-003  -  Published have since posted a privacy policy to the site, the policy and the policies on its other sites... Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2012-003: Job Seeker Not Adequately Informed about Purpose... Information Collection PIPEDA Report of Findings #2012-003 PIPEDA Report of Findings #2012-003...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-009  -  Published our notice of investigation in November 2009 by claiming that the Privacy Commissioner... therein is still subject to the privacy principles underscoring PIPEDA. Accordingly, we find the credit... Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-009: Credit Bureau Purges Loan History...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-010  -  Published

...Bank properly redacted information related to credit card fraud probe Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-010: Bank properly redacted information related to credit card fraud probe Bank properly redacted information related to credit card fraud probe PIPEDA Report of Findings...

Date of findings:
Report to Parliament  -  Published

...that have substantially similar private sector privacy laws. Quebec, Alberta and British Columbia..., We appear before committees, examine legislation for privacy implications, submit comments... and letters from Canadians about privacy issues in the private sector covered by PIPEDA. Issues...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-007  -  Published one province, whose former address was in another province, in order to find out to whom the notice... Findings - PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-007: Car company fails to correct errors in customer file... appropriate access PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-007 PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-007...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published of the PCMLTFA; and we appeared before the Senate to comment on Bill C-25 that significantly....” We will focus our comments on four issues that raise privacy concerns. Eliminating the Electronic Funds...-Terrorist Financing Regime” Submission Submission by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Research paper  -  Published

...Canadian Federal Political Parties and Personal Privacy Protection: A Comparative Analysis Canadian Federal Political Parties and Personal Privacy Protection: A Comparative Analysis Canadian Federal Political Parties and Personal Privacy Protection: A Comparative Analysis Research paper Colin J...

Showing items 1681 through 1690 of 2500.

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