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PIPEDA Case Summary #2010-007  -  Published

...a Federal Court application seeking an Order directing the AAMC to find less privacy-intrusive means to ensure...Test administrator revises measures aimed at preventing exam fraud Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA... database. Our investigation into the matter related to notification of purposes, collection...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case summary #2011-012  -  Published

...We arrived at our finding after studying three factors: risk of fraud, the degree of privacy... scanning for fraud-detection purposes. Also on its website, GMAC posts other detailed information...GMAT Test-taker Objects to Palm-Vein Scanning Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Case summary...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Hat trick at IAPP Canada Hat trick at IAPP Canada Blog Post Who says hockey season is over in Canada? Check out these three stars from last week's IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium - from left to right, Privacy Commissioner of Canada Jennifer Stoddart; Elizabeth Denham, B.C.'s Information and Privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Appearance before the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on the Study on Bill...: Appearance before the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on the Study on Bill C-377... Appearance before the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on the Study on Bill C-377...


...mandates and industry practices marking the legitimate parameters within which private enterprises... by it and students aiming to pursue a career in privacy. Comments: Belated reporting. ... to both enhance knowledge on this expanding and still developing area of privacy law, and to provide...


...privacy, and help victims find safety and flee domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking... and children in light of the privacy implications of new information technologies, specifically the vulnerabilities of these technologies in terms of privacy and protection of personal information...


...of this project are to identify and categorize relevant privacy issues associated with existing... these issues. The project will produce a report outlining the researchers’ findings and recommendations, scholarly papers, popular press commentaries, a privacy education module for scientists...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Within Canada, Alberta’s private-sector privacy legislation, the Personal Information Protection Act, and certain provincial health privacy laws, have mandatory breach notification requirements. Organizations... legislation, with most states having passed mandatory notification legislation. As noted earlier...

Research paper  -  Published

...(e.g., if the e-mail address is included in a resume posted online). What we foundNOTE: The results....  See also: "The Issues Surrounding Subscriber Information in Bill C-30”, posted 28 February 2012. Return... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada May 2013 Introduction – What we set out to explore...

Interpretation bulletin  -  Published

...bulletin One of the Commissioner’s primary roles is to investigate and try to resolve privacy complaints against organizations. While findings on a given issue may differ depending on the facts of each case and the position of the parties. Over time, findings on certain key issues have begun to crystallize...

Showing items 1591 through 1600 of 2500.

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