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Submission  -  Published

...(ESAC) Submission Entertainment Software Association of Canada October 2016 Note: This submission...; Believe that rather than develop a OPC or Canadian trust mark, it is more effective if the OPC works with industry sectors to create or adopt trust mark programs where standard trust mark in use, and these should work...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...TV show raises numerous questions of consent Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint...”) regarding its participation in a television series entitled “Border Security: Canada’s Front Line” (the “TV Program.... The CBSA also noted our recommendation to conduct a PIA before pursuing a television show in the future...

Date of findings:
Report to Parliament  -  Published submit a copy to our Office for review and comment. We have found—and institutions have told..., with whom they share it, and why. In its current form, the Privacy Act does little to help Canadians find.... These machines are constantly collecting information about our habits, and organizations are finding ways...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Blog Post Smart TVs . . . Fitness trackers . . . Automated thermostats . . . Self-driving cars.... Below is a brief assessment of how the devices stacked up. Note: the Global Privacy Sweep is not a formal... and for the purposes of this blog, we compared and contrasted certain features observed...

Blog Post  -  Published

..., videos and location. We found many companies failed to provide adequate protective controls to limit.... As you might remember, our Sweeper was able to post publicly his age and location despite a note... changes Blog Post So whatever happened with that Children’s Privacy Sweep, you ask? Before we delve...

Submission  -  Published

...users to post images that plainly violate the privacy of those pictured: most of the photos and videos... where Canadians would find their intimate photos posted. We further suggest, while not explicitly... posting of intimate images.Footnote 28 We note that the OPC recently examined...

Submission  -  Published

...who have social networking accounts, acknowledge having posted something online that their child may find... provides options for users to change settings on the videos they post so that videos can be public, private... must consider the implication for themselves and for others before they post a photo, comment on a story, or send...

Submission  -  Published

...Submission to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in Response to the Notice... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in Response to the Notice of Consultation and Call for Essays — Online... to the Notice of Consultation and Call for Essays — Online Reputation Submission Joe Bricker (University...

Submission  -  Published

...permitted users to post material anonymously. We did not find any correlation between the sites..., our findings were remarkably similar across sites. There are clear industry practices... to use his or her real name in order to post content or comment on posts of others. Illustration 3...

Internal audit  -  Published

...Closed Circuit Television Council of CPO Council of Chief Privacy Officers CRM Customer Relationship... Toronto Office Executive Summary This report presents findings of the Independent Summative Evaluation..., focusing on the Toronto Office’s relevance and performance. What we found Relevance The presence...

Showing items 151 through 160 of 361.

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