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Published the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on the date they are post-marked; the date... at promoting privacy and the protection of personal information in the private sector. The Contributions... in other areas related to privacy and protection of personal information in the private sector. For full...


...Type: Contribution Purpose: This project aims to document the privacy risks... them with minimizing their vulnerability to privacy risks associated with online behavioural tracking. Comments:...


...of the private sector in police background checks. The project aims to generate a better understanding of the background check process and privacy considerations that should be taken into account by those who request, mediate and disclose this information. Comments:...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Pop - Privacy in art Privacy Pop - Privacy in art Blog Post Surveillance, identity, social... has already combined art and privacy through its Navigate event mashing up art interventions with provocative talks on the future of privacy, and a presentation by their president Trevor Hughes on top...

Blog Post  -  Published

...from our Internet Privacy Sweep: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Blog Post You might recall, a few... with you. The good: We found several positive examples of transparency when it came to sharing privacy... no privacy contact, or made it difficult to find contact information for a privacy officer...

Research project  -  Published declared permissions and detect other potential privacy hazards in a subset of the applications reviewed... to share its findings. First, it produced a report entitled “Smartphone Apps, Permissions and Privacy...An Investigation of the Role of Smartphone Application Permissions in Risks to End User Privacy...

Showing items 1571 through 1580 of 2500.

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