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Research paper  -  Published lawfully collect, use and disclose personal information in the course of commercial activity... Priority Setting discussions in 2015, some stakeholders questioned the continued viability... of liberty in a modern state…Grounded in man’s physical and moral autonomy, privacy is essential...

Statement  -  Published

...and consultation; strong and effective legal frameworks to set limits on the use of facial recognition technologies by police and to ensure that privacy is protected at every stage of the process; and the modernization of private and public sector privacy laws. With this in mind, I look forward...


...on privacy issues. Background The OPC’s Main Estimates for 2023-24 of $29.5M are: Personnel... the need to be proactive with the need to enforce compliance. Background Main Estimates: The table... conflict of interest where the OPC scrutinizes Government compliance with privacy laws and relies on that...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

..., while, government has the responsibility of setting laws and regulations that organizations... and will be stored securely while on Nielsen's premise (adhering to industry standards and applicable laws... Summary Background and Methodology Nielsen Consumer Insights (Nielsen) is pleased to present...

Speech  -  Published

...sector privacy laws are grounded in the same privacy principles – especially given the increased... and private sector privacy laws need to be modernized to respond and adapt to these societal... to consult stakeholders as we seek to advance law reform and implement world class privacy protection...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Public Interest Advocacy Centre annual dinner
Speech  -  Published

...three ways. First, we need a strong set of public and private sector privacy laws that fairly... to harmonize the legislation to ensure that both public and private sector privacy laws are grounded... departments and private sector organizations, reports publicly on compliance with privacy laws, promotes...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Access to Information and Privacy community meeting
PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-340  -  Published

...Law firms collected credit reports without consent Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-340: Law firms collected credit reports without consent Law firms collected credit reports...)) The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) received two complaints from individuals alleging that different law firms had collected...

Date of findings:

...laws. The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) sets out ground... interest purposes, but it can also pose serious risks to privacy rights. We need laws that set explicit..., use or disclose personal information entirely within provinces that have their own privacy laws...

Speech  -  Published

...So what are your obligations under PIPEDA? Put simply, PIPEDA is a federal law that sets out the rules surrounding.... Companies need to first realize that a law exists, know their limits and act responsibly. In 2015, the OPC unveiled a set of privacy priorities to guide the work we do over a span of five years...

Date delivered:
Address by Brent Homan
Chamber of Commerce tour
Submission  -  Published

..., such as their photo, was being reproduced without his or her consent. Canada’s copyright law appears to be much less effective than its U.S. counterpart. Copyright law may have its limits due to numerous... M. Banks is a privacy and advertising lawyer at a global law firm and acts primarily...

Showing items 141 through 150 of 410.

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