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Publication  -  Published

...networks Avoid sharing too many personal details with large numbers of people. Refrain from posting vacation pictures telling everyone your house is empty and you are gone for two months! Adopt.... Find more information on how to Protect your Privacy Online. Protect Personal Information on Mobile...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...yourself or someone posted about you, and it could be a picture or words, or any other type of online... of online posting Figure 14: Level of personal concern: body as information Figure 15: Concerns... was to explore Canadians’ awareness, understanding and perceptions of privacy-related issues. The findings...

Speech  -  Published

...from their networks They’re taking steps to remove people or information: By deleting comments posted... created. A picture says a thousand words, so we developed a short video that seeks to help kids learn...? Where do privacy skills fit into the picture? Where are the knowledge gaps – among young people...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Hayden
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Member Organizations’ Staff Meeting
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...under Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015.  I am joined today by Patricia Kosseim, Senior General Counsel, and Steven Morgan, Director General of Audit and Review. When Bill C-51 was introduced in Parliament in early 2015, I expressed strong reservations which remain true today. In my remarks...

Speech  -  Published  Same with videos, if you’ve noticed, there are fewer and fewer brick and mortar video stores... sensors that detect our gait and home usage, etc. will disrupt the field of property insurance..., and what we post on Facebook, Twitter, etc. can better predict our financial risk and creditworthiness...

Date delivered:
Address by Patricia Kosseim
North American Actuarial Council Meeting
Submission  -  Published

...What follows below are comments (and links to relevant materials prepared by the OPC) in response to specific questions found... through mandatory breach notification as a picture emerges of security practices more broadly... to provide comment on the privacy implications of Canada’s approach to Cyber Security as articulated...

Submission  -  Published

...despite technological developments, surely we can find a way to do the same for privacy. Full submission: Note... such protected intellectual property cannot easily be found. Note that it is not the case... could leverage a regulatory decision. To note a couple, police body camera video feeds...

Submission  -  Published

...or comment on it. You can change this in the menu on your post. We also let people know key...Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC Discussion Paper Submission: Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC Discussion Paper Consent and Privacy: Facebook Comments on the OPC...

Submission  -  Published

...Younger people often do better with a video privacy policy, and maintaining a privacy notice in alternate... under PIPEDA (PrivacyCheq) Submission PrivacyCheq October 2016 Note: This submission was contributed... and understood the consultation procedures as published. The following comments may implicate industry...

Submission  -  Published

...(CRTC) Submission Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission October 2016 Note.... Summary The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)’s Chief Consumer... which allows subscription TV households to be identified individually gives rise to privacy concerns and has encouraged...

Showing items 141 through 150 of 361.

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