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PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-014  -  Published

...Fraud detection not an acceptable reason to collect driver’s licence numbers for store memberships Commissioner’s Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-014: Fraud detection not an acceptable reason... were resolved. PIPEDA Report of Findings: Fraud detection not an acceptable reason to collect...

Date of findings:
Op-ed  -  Published

...Op-ed Op-ed: Freedom and democracy cannot exist without privacy Freedom and democracy cannot exist without privacy Op-ed January 28, 2019 The following is an op-ed by Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien regarding the importance of protecting your privacy. Versions of this op-ed were published...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2006-342  -  Published

...the information. The Assistant Privacy Commissioner disagreed with the complainant.  She noted...Owner allowed to disclose tenants’ rent information Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary... “maintain a record of the notices that it receives under this section.”  The Respondent stated...

Date of findings:
Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...investigation with United Nations Statistical Commission Privacy Act Bulletin March 12, 2020 Privacy Act Bulletins (formerly Privacy Commissioner Alerts) are intended to offer lessons learned, best practices and other important privacy news, trends and information related to privacy protection...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...on various parts of the Bill, and would like to summarize my comments as follows: With respect...Appearance before the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on Part IV, Bill C-43... on Part IV, Bill C-43 (Economic Action Plan 2014, No 2) Appearance before the House of Commons...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2005-288  -  Published

...means. The Assistant Privacy Commissioner began her deliberations by noting that in previous findings...Identification requirements for cell phone services Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary..., major credit card, driver's licence, and his social insurance number (SIN). While he provided his date...

Date of findings:
Research paper  -  Published

...Remarks by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Jennifer Stoddart... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC).  Acknowledging that the Olympic Games represent a unique opportunity.... Stoddart noted, should be tempered by the values of our society in order to uphold the privacy rights...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2008-395  -  Published

...had not themselves raised any concerns about timeliness of notification or contamination of evidence. Findings Issued... a final report of findings in which she concluded that the complaint against CIBC by the Privacy... that information in the notification to clients. PIPEDA Report of Findings: Commissioner initiates...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published

...own posts upon request, or the ability to remove user comments that violate privacy policies or terms... their own privacy settings and providing explanatory notes on how to do so. They also have a responsibility.... In cases where someone’s private information is posted online without consent on websites that host...


..., some with significant implications for privacy and civil liberties. The framework notes privacy protection... my office on these interim measures, we found that TBS relaxed existing privacy requirements... and private sector laws. Both sectors should be held to similar standards. Our two federal privacy...

Showing items 1471 through 1480 of 2500.

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