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Audit by the Office of the Auditor General  -  Published

...of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada coming to our notice for compliance with specified authorities... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada that came to our notice during the audit of the financial statements have complied, in all... privacy obligations by federal government institutions and private-sector organizations; provide...

Audit by the Office of the Auditor General  -  Published

..., we have audited transactions of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada coming to our notice..., the transactions of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada that came to our notice during the audit... Note 1 The Contributions Program of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada funds...

Research project  -  Published

...those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Summaries have been provided by the project authors. Please note that the projects... Big Data Assessment for Canadian Private Sector Organizations Project Big Data Assessment for Canadian Private Sector Organizations Project Research project Organization Information Accountability...

Blog Post  -  Published

...into the Tim Hortons app by the OPC and privacy regulators in Quebec, B.C. and Alberta found the company... devices Blog Post Whether playing games, listening to music or tracking the day’s steps, many of us find mobile devices – and all their apps – indispensable assistants to our daily lives...

Announcement  -  Published

...of tips to consider when using videoconferencing services. Find out by reading our latest Privacy Tech...Announcement Announcement: OPC blog post: Tips for Canadians to consider when using videoconferencing services OPC blog post: Tips for Canadians to consider when using videoconferencing services...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Follow-up letter to the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on Bill C-74..., Trade and Commerce on Bill C-74, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1 Follow-up letter to the Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce on Bill C-74, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 1...


...incorporates the definition of “personal information” found in the Privacy Act (s.3 PA and s.3 ATIA... to a Department of Justice technical engagement with experts on the future of the Privacy Act, we noted... on Indigenous Peoples, February 27, 2024 Limits of federal jurisdiction under the Privacy Act Key...

Submission  -  Published

...Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada's private-sector privacy law... privacy rights of individuals. As such, our comments will be limited to those issues that relate... be reminded of their privacy obligations. While the consultation paper notes that the proposed perimeter...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-375  -  Published

...Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-375: Parking lot owner collects debtors' personal... information. The company also had appropriate signage posted at the lot where the complainant parked, notifying customers that it collects such information from the province and why. The Assistant Privacy...

Date of findings:

Showing items 1461 through 1470 of 2500.

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