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Research project  -  Published

...Privacy Design Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currency Privacy Design Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currency Privacy Design Landscape for Central Bank Digital Currency Research project... and Development (OECD). The researchers behind this project argue that the issue of privacy needs to move...

Submission  -  Published

...Digital Devices Public consultation on the proposed Regulations for the Examination of Documents Stored on Personal Digital Devices Public consultation on the proposed Regulations for the Examination of Documents Stored on Personal Digital Devices Submission Submission...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-114  -  Published

...where either there was a reasonable expectation of privacy or where employees were working, the company changed the camera... Protection and Electronic Documents Act (the Act) applies to any federal work, undertaking...Employee objects to company's use of digital video surveillance cameras PIPEDA Case Summary...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published

...Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Submission: Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Submission... Note: This submission was contributed by the author to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner...

Research project  -  Published

...Production and sharing of digital privacy content Production and sharing of digital privacy content Production and sharing of digital privacy content Research project Organization Coopérative... as information. It also aims to encourage the production and sharing of digital privacy content...

Research project  -  Published

...Commercial Virtual Healthcare Services in Canada: Digital Trails, De-identified Data and Privacy Implications Commercial Virtual Healthcare Services in Canada: Digital Trails, De-identified Data and Privacy Implications Commercial Virtual Healthcare Services in Canada: Digital Trails, De-identified...

Joint Resolution  -  Published

...their compatibility with other digital assets, compliance with health information privacy laws, and how... with responsibility for privacy oversight will work collaboratively in committing to: Collaborate...Securing Public Trust in Digital Healthcare Securing Public Trust in Digital Healthcare...

Infographic  -  Published

...10 privacy tips for businesses infographic 10 privacy tips for businesses infographic 10 privacy tips for businesses infographic Infographic Text version 10 privacy tips for businesses... of it. Ensure staff receive appropriate privacy protection training. Limit and monitor access to personal...

Research project  -  Published

...Parenting in the digital age: Sharing personal information on social networks and its impact on children’s privacy and image rights Parenting in the digital age: Sharing personal information on social networks and its impact on children’s privacy and image rights Parenting in the digital age...

Poster  -  Published

...Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Poster This poster highlights a few tips for understanding and exercising privacy rights. The poster is downloadable so it can be reproduced. For best results, select...

Showing items 131 through 140 of 1390.

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