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Publication  -  Published

...(a place to share photos, videos and post comments) can be an extension of our real-world reputation..., pictures, and video uploads. There is no doubt that communicating online is a great way to stay... a photo, add a comment, and post it online. It can be nearly impossible to permanently delete...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-002  -  Published individuals about the software As noted above (see paragraph 26), we found that information... PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-002: Canadian adware developer Wajam Internet Technologies... Inc. breaches multiple provisions of PIPEDA PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-002 PIPEDA Report of Findings...

Date of findings:
Report to Parliament  -  Published

...real-time consent notices and using infographics, videos, and bots to supplement the information... to specify four key elements that must be highlighted in privacy notices and explained... them to find effective ways, within their own specific context, to protect the privacy of their clients...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published and/or video recording in a number of complaint investigations, in both public and private... for the audio recording and video surveillance, as well as clear notice to employees of the use of the data. There is no doubt that persistent audio and video recording of individuals in a workplace can be intrusive...

Speech  -  Published

...The economics of personal information—finding that balance between privacy protection and innovative... found that more than a third of PIPEDA complaints closed related to small businesses. Common... of sensitive information such as Social Insurance and driver’s license numbers and the use of video...

Date delivered:
Address by Brent Homan
Chamber of Commerce tour
Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...your cell phone number, billing address and credit card number. The sales representative tells.... Detailed Findings 1. General Perceptions This section reports on participants’ general impressions... policies: Related to the latter concern, participants routinely observed that the terms...

Speech  -  Published

...from their networks. They’re taking steps to remove people or information: By deleting comments posted... a video we recently created. You’ve heard the saying, “a picture says a thousand words”, so we developed a short video to help kids learn about the permanence of online posts, and the implications...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Cenaiko
Connect 2017
Video  -  Published

...writing comments or posting pictures online. But how we look there affects what people think about... can check us out before they even meet us. Our words, pictures and videos online...What can YOU do to protect your online rep? [video] What can YOU do to protect your online rep...


...Value: $21,391.10 Comments: 0223 - Image/Video Communications ServicesThis contract was sole-sourced... Date: 2017-03-28 Description of work: 0232 - Image/Video Communications Services...


...Value: $17,797.50 Comments: 0323 - Communication Professional Services & Media MonitoringThis contract was sole-sourced. Update of OPC's youth outreach video....

Showing items 131 through 140 of 361.

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