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Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: The facts of life for teens: Privacy and sexting The facts of life for teens: Privacy and sexting Announcement March 14, 2023 The facts of life for teens: Privacy and sexting The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has created a new fact sheet for young teens...

Media advisory  -  Published

...annual report on privacy and study on social media platforms and foreign entities Commissioner to appear before Parliamentary committee to discuss annual report on privacy and study on social media... to discuss annual report on privacy and study on social media platforms and foreign entities Privacy...

Media advisory  -  Published

...Media advisory Media advisory: Privacy Commissioner to release findings following investigation into Home Depot Privacy Commissioner to release findings following investigation into Home Depot Media advisory Privacy Commissioner to release findings following investigation into Home Depot...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner appears before Parliamentary committee on its study... from mobile devices and computers Privacy Commissioner appears before Parliamentary committee on its study... from mobile devices and computers Announcement Privacy Commissioner appears before Parliamentary committee...

Media Advisory  -  Published

...Media Advisory Media Advisory: Privacy Commissioner to appear before Parliamentary committee to discuss 2024-2025 Main Estimates Privacy Commissioner to appear before Parliamentary committee to discuss 2024-2025 Main Estimates Media Advisory Privacy Commissioner to appear before Parliamentary...


...Briefing packages prepared for the incoming Privacy Commissioner of Canada In accordance with subsection 88(a) under Part 2 of the Access to Information Act, the head of a government entity... and functions of his or her office. Find briefing packages prepared for the Privacy Commissioner...

News release  -  Published

...The Privacy Commissioner of Canada is mandated by Parliament to act as an ombudsman and guardian of privacy... and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. - 30 - For more information...News release News release: Majority of Canadians support Privacy Act reform, greater transparency...


...has become less and less a choice for most people. Individuals increasingly rely on digital technologies to work..., the current economics of information and privacy can be a source of injustice to those lacking digital... Border Security Private-Public Partnerships Privacy Oversight & Democratic Controls Transparency...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...information protection that are contained in the Privacy Act. Some of these are relevant to our discussion... of the Privacy Act and Regulations. The Privacy Act Regulations require institutions to retain personal... to the retention provision under the Privacy Act. However, if Clause 29 of the present Bill considers...


...Contact the Information Centre Contact the Information Centre Ask the OPC about a privacy concern... difficulties with our telephone system and are working on resolving the issue as quickly.... --> Our Information Centre responds to requests from Canadians for information about privacy. Check...

Showing items 1361 through 1370 of 1390.

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