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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview An individual wrote to the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-279  -  Published

...the right of privacy of its employees, as enshrined in section 3 of the Act, and the balance was thus tipped... to monitor employees at work since to do otherwise would be to undermine the purpose of the Act...Surveillance of employees at work Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-279...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-276  -  Published

...The privacy implications of pay per view and piracy prevention measures Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-276: The privacy implications of pay per view and piracy prevention measures The privacy implications of pay per view and piracy prevention measures PIPEDA Case Summary...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published governments and private sector organizations. At the federal level, the Privacy Act... may be accessible to foreign governments. The enactment of the USA PATRIOT Act may simply have served...), the Privacy Act and equivalent provincial and territorial statutes. This reflection...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-274  -  Published

...Telco takes action to improve how its privacy policies are disseminated Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-274: Telco takes action to improve how its privacy policies are disseminated Telco takes action to improve how its privacy policies are disseminated PIPEDA Case Summary...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published

...Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers in the private sector Best Practices for the use of Social Insurance Numbers in the private sector Publication July 2004 Should businesses ask individuals for their Social Insurance Number? The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Publication  -  Published

...Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) apply to personal information collected before the Act came into effect? The answer, in brief, is that all provisions of PIPEDA, including..., used or disclosed by federal works, undertakings or businesses. Purging obsolete files In some cases, destroying...

Publication  -  Published

...If this does not work, they may file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner, who acts as a "privacy ombudsman... Protection and Electronic Documents Act applies to employment in the private sector. The answer... (where all private sector activity is in federal jurisdiction). The Act applies to employment...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...the provisions. With respect to the powers of inspectors, we note that Section 8(2) of the Act as... collected by Industry Canada and its inspectors is subject to the Privacy Act. In addition...Bill C-2, An Act to Amend the Radiocommunication Act Statement: House of Commons Standing Committee...

Publication  -  Published

...Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Implementation Schedule for the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Publication April...

Showing items 1341 through 1350 of 1390.

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